
Immortal Reign de Aiden James

de Aiden James - Género: English
libro gratis Immortal Reign


Aiden James Publisher: Rain Press, Year: 2021

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Before you read The Judas Chronicles please read The Judas Reflections first if you are interested in this series. There are characters that turn up in this book that are in The Judas Reflections. Reign of Coins gets 3 blood coins from me.

So Ladies and Gentlemen what is the best selling book?

No Ladies unfortunately it is not:

it is this book:

is The Bible.

Okay so leaving Religion out of this review if there are shifters, weres and witches. Why couldn't Judas Icariot be alive and kicking paying the price of betrayal???

For two thousand years William Barrow aka Judas is after the 30 Shekels that he was offered to betray his friend and mentor. So far William has collected 22 of the coins and is on number 23 which leads him and his son to China specifically Hong Kong this is slight problem with this plan as the CIA want his help and Will's arch nemesis is there as well. This book is well written and the plot has potential but seeing as I didn't read The Judas Reflections I was confused at the best of times. I also felt that the same thing was going on in this book then in the previous one. If the third book is offered as a freebie on Amazon then I'm game otherwise I won't bother. 3-stars deals-and-freebies suspense-crime2 s Jessie267 2

The main reason I gave it two stars wasn't because of the story itself. It's because of the whole concept of Judas Iscariot being immortal and having to collect coins. Actually, it wasn't even that. This story had so much potential to be something great because of that concept. So where did it go wrong?

Well, Judas didn't act at all a man who betrayed the Son of God. He acted an immortal in some ways, but for the most part, he was a basic Joe Schmoe from the 21st century. You might think an immortal would have some characteristics that exist from the past, but not in this book (other than some quips about how he can speak dead languages). He acts exactly a person born and raised in the 20th-21st century. You could give any other name to him, add some back story about a betrayal and how he has to collect coins to undo his wrongdoing, and the story would still work. There was nothing to this character that made him feel he was Judas Iscariot.

I'm sitting here trying to think of just one incident where he may have felt Judas, and the only thing that comes to mind is when he finally found the coin and experienced his betrayal of Jesus all over again. But even that isn't that noteworthy because the character is in a dire situation and forces the vision away so he can save their lives. The author crushed the only part of the entire story that would've given some feeling to the character of being Jesus' betrayer.

All that aside, the writing style kept me intrigued with the story. I d how they traveled around the world, even though the author didn't dive into the different cultures much. I thought the antagonist could've been a lot better developed, but he was barely in the story at all, so I guess there wasn't much room for that. Come to think of it, I think the only good thing about this novel was the writing style, which saved the book. If that was bad as well, I never would've finished it.2 s Ginette15 19

This book was an amazing adventure!! I enjoyed the first book in the series, but this one set the bar even higher. What really endears me to this story, is how the author can make a loathe-worthy character such as Judas Iscariot likable! I found myself relating to his plight intensely, wanting him to succeed in finding the coins so he could bring peace to his tortured soul. The relationship Judas (or William Barrow) shares with his son Allistair adds a lot of depth to the story line. It's so full of warmth but enough wrought with imperfection that it rings true. Then there's the beautiful love story that our main character shares with his wife Beatrice. There is one scene between them in the ending that literally had me crying it touched me so deeply. To me, there's a general theme of redemption in these books. Judas (William) seeking the coins to redeem himself to Jesus, trying to make amends to Allistair for missing so many years of his life, and waiting for Beatrice to release him from the guilt over abandoning her. I eagerly anticipate the next installment to the series, and can't wait to see what adventures will be in store for our immortal adventurer.2 s Barbara MasonAuthor 6 books69

For William Barrow, two thousand years is a very long time…too long, when it is a perpetual punishment for betraying Jesus Christ. A well written book. Suggestion...read the 1st one in series before this one. I did not realize until I was a little ways in that it was the second book. My bad. If I had read it in order, some of the things that Judas referred to I would have understood better. Great editing, the words flow well without getting hung up on too much back story. The past was referenced at the right times and kept to a minimum. Likable and hateable characters as Will Barrows aka Judas and his son search for the 30 pieces of silver. There is not a religious feel to the book which I think is great for many people. Would recommend this one to anyone old enough to read and understand. Fun, adventurous. I did find William Barrows a bit of a snob, but hey, he's had 2000 years to perfect it. Enjoy.[[ASIN:B00810X59E Reign of Coins (The Judas Chronicles #2)]]2 s KATHLEEN CORTE84 3

immortal reign

I have been reading these books and not necessarily in the correct order but as they are standalone they are fabulous this one to me is the best yet I can’t wait to finish reading the whole set and continue reading all of your books please continue writing they are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Ksandra585 27

The second book about Judas Iscariot and his quest that has spanned thousands of years. In the first book we learned about his curse and quest: He is an immortal until he collects all 30 shekels. Though he can die (except from illness and old age), he is always reincarnated in a different time and place with all his memories intact. In this incarnation, he goes by William Barrow.

This book begins about a year after the last book ended. His son is aging backwards due to Crystals from the Tree of Life they encountered in the first book. And thus, their cover of Alistair being his father (as opposed to his son), is becoming harder. It also forced Alistair into retirement. They had also given some to Beatrice, William's heavily aged wife (who currently believes that he is her grandson). He hopes that the crystals will allow him to finally live in peace with his wife again.

The pair have traveled to Hong Kong, in search of shekel number 23. William is always able to tell when he is close to one of his blood coins- he gets this feeling and when he is super close, he can see the coin glow blue. However, this is no ordinary trip most of his recent coin adventures.

This time, a recently created immortal from the first book, Viktor Kaslow, is on their tail and wants to brutally murder both Alistair and William. Not just because his employer is paying him, but also because he hates William. Viktor's employer is looking for the Mantle of Genghis Khan- a formidable weapon that has similar powers to that of an atomic bomb.

Throughout the book, you catch the same snark and tongue-in-cheek nature from the first book, but there is also an element of fear. It catches you from the first few pages, and continues to seep into your mind as you read the book. That is part of why I loved it.

I won't tell you how it ends. Did they get the coin? They might have, but then again, maybe Viktor Kaslow destroyed them completely. Read the book to find out. But be prepared for a roller coaster of emotions, a lot of bloodshed, and possible a few moments of "What just happened??"

Now to buy the third book...1 Kay GlassAuthor 24 books54

I am a huge fan of Mr. James' work, and I loved Plague of Coins. The development of William Barrow, aka Judas, was a wonderfully unique idea, and I was eagerly awaiting this novel's completion. Upon reading it, I was blown away. He has taken his character development to new depths, particularly that of Alistair, who was part of Plague of Coins but more of a placeholder, not a fully three-dimensional character. With Reign of Coins, Alistair leaps to life from the pages, giving him a depth that is truly wonderful. William is even more developed than with the previous book, although he was definitely a force to be reckoned with even then. I look forward to the next installment of William and Alistair's tale, and I eagerly wait to learn more about William and Beatrice's love story. Well done- 5 stars!1 Nancy Steinle gummel507 95

Widen James has done it again! William Barrows AKA Judas Iscariot, continues his quest for the silver sheckles he received for betraying Jesus Christ. Along with his son Alistair, they travel to Bong Kong in an attempt to retrieve 1 of the last 8 coins for William's possible redemption. Again, the CIA endeavors to enlist William's assistance in obtaing a killing artifact. With the assistance of Shulin the engage the enemy and the murderous trail the killers leave. William prevails but no one is the same from when the started.2013-reading-challenge adventure kindle-ebook ...more1 Barbara115 2

Loved this book! It was full of adventure and intrigue. William Barrow and his son, Alistair, go in search of the 23rd coin. What greets them there is pure, unadulterated evil in the faces of Viktor Kaslow and Christian Morrow, who are after another artifact in the same area. William and Alistair are helped in their search by Sulyn and her ailing father. The forces of good and evil meet and it makes for a very exciting storyline. Highly recommend it. 1 Normand Girard248 2

Book 2, Immortal Reign. In this story, we find Judas and Alistair headed for Hong Kong. In the process of looking for the next piece of silver (from the 30 he was paid to betray Jesus), he is confronted with the armour worn by Genghis Khan (if you are not familiar with this , then you need to read this book).1 Sara19 1 follower

A great mix of Indiana Jones and Bond all rolled into one. This was a cool adventure with a surprising ending. William and his son go looking for a coin and end up saving the world. Very entertaining, excellent character development. I loved it just as much as the first one.1 Terry Parrish159 15

Wow, these books are getting better and better. The things that William and Alistair are having to go through is crazy. You can hardly tell who is friend or foe, except for Kaslov. That is one evil man. Hopefully, he's gone for good this time, but somehow I doubt it. 1 Audrey458 7

Brilliant I just loved the story...........1 Amber89 14

I loved it! It has an Indiana Jones type of feel to it. I will be reading the next one soon.fiction1 Ann118 1 follower

I'm really enjoying this series.1 Margaret24 2

More elements of science fiction, plus some horror, plus religion. Love, love, LOVE it!!!20141 R.d. BrunkAuthor 1 book

Loved the book.1 Dawn Williams626


A dividing journey of the redemption of Judy's himself over 2 thousand years after the death of Christ. Impressive is the only way that I can describe this book.1 MichaelAuthor 128 books37

To start off, if you haven't read book 1 in the series, Plague of Coins (The Judas Chronicles #1), you need to read it first as this one won't make much sense as a standalone novel and is the continuation of a series.

As a Christian, you always have to wonder did Judas really die, or is he wandering around the Earth for eternity. Without having a spoiler, I absolutely loved book 1 in the series and couldn't put it down, but this one was a little disappointing because it seemed to drag around the middle - too many soft moment reflections with William and his son, and a couple of areas / scenes I had a hard time believing on any level. The author picked it up at the end with the usual teaser of an ending to start the next book in the series. Barbara "Cookie" Serfaty Williams2,671 4

Immortal's Reign: A Judas Chronicles Novel (Cursed Immortals Book 2)

The continuous adventures of Barrow family. Williams toll the CIA he quiet but that did not accept his reservation. Beatrice is getting better. William and Alistair are off to Hong Kong to find the next coin. While in Hong Kong want him to get in good with a very dangerous man. Will they find the coin or will Williams be transported elsewhere? Great story. Belinda in Alabama372 2

Very Good

The second book in the Judas Chronciles. It was entertaining to read. William/Judas is a loving husband and father. His hunt for each coin in the thirty pieces of silver keep him in peril. I hope you too this book. Happy Reading. Lori Kern213 1 follower

Immortal Reign

This is such a fabulous series. I look forward to the next book to see what is going to happen to the main character. I enjoy the history that is contained in the stories. Larry Franklin47

Good Read

I enjoyed the book. I think book one was better. But, interesting story line. So, I am off to book three. Stitch223

A good read Peter363 1 follower

Another light and entertaining read- not much character development, but it’s not that kind of book. Julie Rein412 4

Excellent reading Ed204

Reign of Coins (or Immortal Reign) is the second book in the Judas Chronicles series. Judas Iscariot (a reluctant and cursed immortal going by the name William Barrow) is searching for another one of the legendary "30 pieces of silver" (the coins originally paid for betraying Jesus). This particular blood coin (#23) is in Hong Kong and was passed down from Genghis Khan.

Unfortunately for William, his Russian nemesis, Victor Kaslow, who has recently become immortal himself, has other plans and is backed by an Evil Billionaire Boss (sound familiar?). They are looking for an Evil Weapon™ from Khan's era (hopefully made even stronger by proximity to the cursed coin) that they can unleash on the world. The CIA is either on William's side or not, depending on which way the wind is blowing. William's sixtyish son (who's getting younger each day thanks to a shard from the Tree Of Life) becomes infatuated with another very smart Gorgeous Woman™, Cheung Sulyn, even though he has Amy Golden Eagle from the first book waiting back in the States. (Sulyn is the granddaughter of the man who has been responsible for hiding the Coin and other cursed items passed down through his family, and she is instrumental in helping William in his quest.)

All kidding aside, this book (although still formulaic and quite unbelievable) was more interesting than the first one. 3 stars.christian-fiction ebooks Leah Speller411 3

I have enjoyed this one as much as the first. The path that he had to take to retrieve his coin was not just physical but mental. He had to face some things about himself some of which I do not think he was even aware.

On thing I look for in series such as these is the characters growth. Are you learning more about them as the larger arch of the story progresses. This is difficult to tell at this point since it is only the second instalment however I can honestly state that I felt from the main characters there was more that you learned but might have been lost in all the action of running from one thing to the next.

The action kept you busy always moving and seemed a lot of time passed by, however that was not the case at all. I guess this comes from trying to stay in front of someone that seems to be really in front of you in ways you could never imagine.

Overall I have enjoyed the second installment and already on the third. My favorite past time inhaling series as if they are one great big book.fiction urban-fantasy R & Y32 1 follower

Immortal Reign is a action thrill pack adventure.

Judas still alive trying to collect his solver again to be redeemed. I still live this idea for a story. Not only has the author taken the thriller/action novel and excelled bit wit this twist of the immortals it has brought a new level. The story picks up a while after the first book and stars right in to it. E Barrow's are on the run again and find a new ally plus Judas is found out by everyone. Either so!some has to
D the CIA or they figure it put by his actions or words.
The story telling is as good as the first. The new characters are well rounded. The old ones are built up more and are becoming more rounded. The plot is the first find the coin, but is not a repetitive story.. I would still recommend this to anyone. O have book 3 in my Kindle Library and can wait to see how the next coin gets found. Donald16

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