
Immortal Pyramid de Aiden James

de Aiden James - Género: English
libro gratis Immortal Pyramid


Aiden James Publisher: Rain Press, Year: 2021

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An excellent journey alongside Judas as he searches for his coins and again takes on vile creatures. This story had some intense moments and a disgusting being from history that demanded their attention. The only negative about this book is knowing that there is only one more. I love this series and sure hate to see it end.1 Dawn Williams626

Jack the Ripper as an Immortal

Wow so many twists and turns celebrations and heart aches. Do they get another blood coin or does this one fall through their grasps too there are only three coins left and the stakes have never been higher.1 Jim Kratzok1,070 2

Rollicking adventure!

You know that feeling you get when a character has just gotten his act together and all seems well and then he's gone? Yeah, that happens here. Not saying who but it's a punch in the gut. However, being dead in this series does not mean gone and never heard from again. The same is true for the main villain of this book. Last seen tearing around London in the 1880s, this Jack of one trade makes a number of unpleasant appearances in the book. While he's not known for his sharp wit, he makes up for that by slicing his way through history. William and Roderick have faced him before, unfortunately, and know what to expect but he rips a hole in our heroes' lives this time. Getting an idea who it is?2019 action adventure ...more Lori18

Great but editing dropped off near the end.

Great but editing dropped off near the end and was quite distracting. However, I'm truly enjoying Judas' adventures. This book dropped a bomb!! Barbara "Cookie" Serfaty Williams2,671 4

Immortal Pyramid: A Judas Chronicles Novel (Cursed Immortals Book 6)

The continuous adventures of the Barrow family, Golden Eagle family, Roderick and Cedrie. Roti or aka Jack the Ripper is back and he is on a feeding frenzy. Can they stop him? Great story. Dana91 4

A Thursday Review for you... Pyramid of Coins By Aiden James Author
Synopsis: If one lives long enough, they will experience more than their share of profound sorrow.... Tragedy and death are the latest obstacles that stand in the way of William Barrow (aka Judas Iscariot) staying true to the burden upon his heart: His mission to reclaim the thirty blood coins that were his payment for betraying Jesus Christ.

My Review:
Judas (William Barrows and yes he is THAT Judas) Is back in this next installment of The Judas Chronicles,This time He is out for revenge as we meet up with Ratibor (Jack The Ripper) again and This Vile creature does something so unthinkable that I had to set the Kindle down for a moment to catch my breath... This part of Judas' Journey is so emotional and raw the feelings jump out at you .. you feel the pain in YOUR arm when the pull of the coin screams for Judas... You feel the heartache , in ALL of them when the unthinkable happens.. and the awe in one of my favorites scenes in the book (not giving a spoiler but it involves Judas, his son Alistar, Jesus Christ and... Judas ).. The vivid detail of the area and the description of the coin.. I still get shivers.. I LOVE the characters in these books.. and Mr. James tells the story with such emotion and even humor.. I give this book 5 shekels ...LOVED IT!!!

Leah Speller411 3

What a fast read!! And yet, I found it almost lacking. Every time I kept expecting some twist and turn that has happened as in his other books, yet I found this one lacking. Even in their chase for the bad bad guy was lack luster. Though the loss of one of the main characters came as a shock, that was really the only ahh well excitement.

I have thoroughly enjoyed each of the others in the series so I don't know exactly what happened with this particular one. My only hope is the next one will be as twisting and full of surprises as his others have been.fiction spiritual urban-fantasy Patricia21 1 follower

Have been waiting for this book to come out!! So Excited!!

So Worth the wait, now need to just hang on for the last in the series next year! Love Aiden James' writing! Janelle169

Just didn't love this one the others in the series. The bickering over who was going on what adventure grew tiresome. I still enjoyed it and will read the final one in the series next. Terry Parrish159 15

Hmm...........Did'nt care for the events that took place in this book. Sad, sad, sad. That's all I have to say about it. William Bitner Jr.544 27

This series get better with each new book.1 Robert Ladewig6 Read

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