
Pumpkins and Peril (Peridale Cafe Cozy Mystery Book 29) de Agatha Frost

de Agatha Frost - Género: English
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Agatha Frost Publisher: Pink Tree Publishing LTD, Year: 2023

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Another one read and thoroughly enjoyed it I can't wait for the next book to see where the storyline goes2 s Rachel568 9

Interesting but serious

I read this out of order, so that explains why I was confused by the upheaval in Peridale. This book did have a cozy murder, but it took a decided backseat to the controversy swirling around the town. My best advice is not to read these 2023 stories out of order.52weekchallenge23 cozy-mysteries232 s Linniegayl1,057 28

A black cloud has been hanging over Peridale for the last few books, James Jacobson. While this wealthy developer hadn't made a direct appearance, it was clear he had plans for Peridale. In this latest edition, Jacobson's plans burst out into the open, and Julia, Baker, Jessie, and all the rest of the regulars are horrified.

Of course we have a murder in this book, but it seems clearly connected to the plans of Jacobson. Once again, we have chapters told from the POV of Julia, Baker, and Jessie, but none (thankfully) from Dot, Julia's grandmother ... whew! I really the increasing prominence of Jessie in this series, and look forward to seeing more of her in future books. Yes, Julia, Baker, and Jessie did seem to be running around investigating at cross-purposes at time in this one, but I still enjoyed it.

While the murder is solved, this definitely ends on a cliffhanger, and I look forward to seeing what happens in the next.mystery-cozy1 Loretta TheMoodyRedhead731 2

This was a rather long drawn out read, but all of the details were necessary so we could see the full picture and the importance of ‘Nay’ votes for Peridale’s future. It wasn’t a fun read what I’m used to, but sometimes it’s good to be serious. I guess.

James Jacobson is at it again. He’s scheming behind the town’s back and sending out his minion to destroy lives and buy people in order to make a buck for himself. He’s bullying townsfolk into supporting his plan.

However, some can’t be bought and that is clear when Peter McBride is found with a knife in his back - both literal and figuratively. Peter was the only one that James was having difficulties buying a vote in his direction from. So who killed him? Well, Julia is on the case. She will “dig, dig, dig” until she discovers the truth. Julia can’t be bought no matter what the price and her daughter Jessie, a newspaper reporter, also needs the truth. That truth may cause her her life.

In the end, James got his votes and nothing and no one can stop him from developing the town of Peridale into a metropolis with hundreds of new cookie cutter homes and chain stores. The townspeople won’t recognize the place they grew up in after James is done.

I have faith in Julia and Jessie. The two determined ladies will be the change needed and Peridale will be saved! I believe this and I believe it will happen in the next book: “Mince Pies and Madness (Peridale Cafe Cozy Mystery Book 30)”. Nikki1,296 11

Book 29, back in Peridale where sedate, country village life is about to be shattered if local boy James Jacobsen has his way.

Julia's cafe is in a prime spot needed to make James' plan viable. Can she be persuaded to sell up?

Jessie is doing well at the paper, but is she getting herself in deeper than she can manage this time?

Of course, Julia and Barker get themselves involved in solving a murder, this time of one of the planning committee tasked with passing the plans to destroy Peridale.

I really enjoy reading these books and am looking forward to the next book being released.

The books are all standalone stories, but they are best read in order of publication to preserve continuity of the characters and wider storyline, especially these past few books! Alisha Henri213 2

Greed, Graft, and Gumption

I'm stunned and amazed at some of Peridale's residents' being overwhelmed and bribed by the newcomer's money, saddened by the murder of the friend whose unwillingness to participate, heartened by Julia and her family and friends' stubbornness and insistence on Peridale's remaining its lovely quaint village, and by Jessie's continuing growing ability as an investigative reporter. Much was discovered, a criminal politician was arrested, and the village is uniting against the wealthy developer. Now, we must wait for "Mince Pies and Murder" to read the outcome of the village's struggle to maintain its faith and charm. Just WOW. Nicole273 3

best one yet

I have loved all of the Peridale Cafe books but I’m loving the direction Agatha Frost is taking the series. So much drama and trying to figure out if James Jacobson is going to get what he wants - more money to build and to turn the little town into a big city. Julia and Barker along with Jesse and the rest of the crew take down a murderer and bring the saga he step closer to being figured out. Loved it! Edith95

Great Book!

Every new Peridale book is even better than the previous one and so far I have loved every book since the first one in the series. We learn more about the history of Peridale in this book. There is also terrific character development. I love that it seems Jessie may have a developing love interest. This book was very exciting and has a cliff-hanger ending. I can’t wait for the next book! Jay Wright17

I’m Over This Plot

I’ve read all 29 books in this series, & I have thoroughly enjoyed it up until the last few books. This ongoing plot with James Jacobson is dragging on and on, and the mystery picture in this book was downright confusing. I felt I was just going through the motions as I read it.

I already have Book 30 and have pre-ordered Book 31. I’m hoping after Book 30, this series will return to some normalcy. Peculiar104

History Repeats Itself

As always Agatha Frost never disappoints. I enjoy the character's and the background behind them . I the history and secrets behind the town of Peridale. I enjoyed reading about the multiple suspects as well. Not all stories have a happy ending. Keep a look out for the plot twists. I recommend not just this book but the whole Peridale Cafe
series is a Good Read. Kim Schram3

one of Ms. Frost’s best so far! love it!

I feel the last two of Ms. Frost’s Peridale Cafe Cozy Mystery Books have been some of her best!! I have lived the action, mystery, and suspense in them! Would definitely recommend them to be read! Looking forward to the next in this series ?? Gary and Sandra Sims568 1 follower

Great storytelling

Julia and her family and friends are fighting for her village to remain as is, however the developers are using every tactic in the book including threats to stop her. That is the essence of this very readable story with it's fast pace storyline, very believable characters and great murder mystery. Great book. Leslie Grosvenor142 1 follower

Great cozy mystery. This series just keeps getting better. Julia and the gang are at it again. This time they are trying to save Peridale from a greedy developer. The ending was great and I can’t wait for the next book. Jane Strevils36

Great reads!

From the first Peridale mystery to the last; each book is a great read. A few twists, turns and some unexpected happenings make each cozy mystery a great story. I can't wait to see what is in store! Ann Kingston124 1 followerRead

No ending??!!

So disappointing!! After hours of reading and stress that the evil people are winning, to finally find there is no ending!!!!! And the evil continues on.... Really horrible... Don't bother... I feel I have wasted hours of my time!!! Linda D. Knapp1 review

Best book in the series so far

I hated to put it down. What a great book! It even had an unusual ending. Can't Waite to start the next on in this series. We get so attached to all the characters that it's almost your own neighborhood. Kiki23

I always love these books,they never fail to entertain you and keep you guessing. Julia , Gran , Jessi & the rest of the gang
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