
Test of the Four de A.E. Bennett

de A.E. Bennett - Género: English
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A.E. Bennett Series: The Serrulata Saga 2 Year: 2022

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I was so excited to see the next book in the SERRULATA SAGA was coming out! I love Leora, Aurora, Leopold and Roland and was eager to see the next stage in their journey. Things for the gang are a bit bleak in spots. They’ve left the Realm, but are dealing with injuries and threats. Characters have vivid nightmares in this book, so vivid that you’re not sure if perhaps they’re really being temporarily transported in a vision back to another time. The writing and world building are just so well done. I loved how I could see each scene as if I was really there, whether it was the nightmare of a tortured White Rider, or a scene back at Tower Records in 1999 before Y2K. I enjoyed seeing how all the characters developed in this second main book in the series, especially Leora, who continues to develop her Xancraft power, and Leopold the White Rider, who are two of my favorites. Eve continues to be held prisoner by Alrich. There was more steam in this one versus the first book, and I enjoyed seeing the heat turned up between some of the pairings (I love Aurora/Roland, although I reaaally ship Leora and Leopold… swoons!). All of the characters have interesting backstories and the way that the backstories are woven together makes them compelling. We also meet some new and interesting characters in this one, too. Excited to see where the series goes next!! 5/5 stars.kindle-unlimited23 s Jenni Bishop4,140 45

4.5 stars
I really enjoyed the first book Gathering of the Four in The Serrulata series and was excited to get stuck into the second book Test of the Four. I do recommend reading Gathering of the Four first.
The gang is back. A.E. puts Leora, Aurora, Leopold and Roland through their paces and it is not all fun and rainbows. They are injured, battered and bruised mentally and physically, running from evil, in danger, held captive, come into powers, even find themselves in different times and places plus so much more. A.E has even turned up the heat in this one in more than one way.
This intriguing series is a futuristic dystopian sci fi tale and the first book in this series. As with the first book A.E. wove together intricate multi-layered threads that draw the reader in. The world building and the storytelling gives a vivid picture of this post-apocalyptic world and the compelling characters. The story told in multiple POV’s giving us a broader picture and depth of who the characters are and what they feel.
This intriguing read takes us on an adventure that makes you feel part of the story and had me wanting more.
As I said about the first book, A.E. has set the stage where there are so many options and angles to explore that makes look forward to what could come next.
Do yourself a favour and grab a copy if you love sci fi tales and if you don’t, I can guarantee you will this series.
2 s W.A. Stanley198 21

I received an advance reader copy of Test of the Four for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The first book in The Serrulata Saga, Gathering of the Four , cleverly infuses fantasy and science fiction elements, making for a science fantasy that presents a classical fantasy world that also happens to present a dystopian future. The saga’s second chapter, Test of the Four, continues to blend these elements as it expands the scope and mythology. while answering some questions from the first book and adding more layers to the mystery.

While many readers dis prologues and epilogues, they can be used to great effect. Test of the Four’s prologue, particularly, serves as a great example, as one of the book’s characters finds herself in a foreign world—1999. This takes readers familiar with the series outside of their comfort zone, and will grab new readers' attention. The author captures this period beautifully, and anybody who recalls the era will appreciate it, while also managing to make the reader fear for a character suddenly walking these unfamiliar, and terrifying, streets.

As the book moves past its prologue, readers are transported back to the Realm, and outside its borders, where much of the action takes place. As it tells the story of its four lead characters and its broad supporting cast in the future, the book builds its mystery, connecting the events of both this and its prequel to the prologue. The twists and turns that connect the world are entertaining, though the linkages to 1999 and the sequence of events didn’t entirely work for me. That said, it could work for you.

Test of the Four is slightly shorter than its predecessor, but is still a long book. Its scope is also broader, with more plot elements and world building. The plot moves slowly, and at times feels disjointed with its disparate elements not coming together as well as they could.

This disjointed feel isn’t helped by the author’s repeating of information throughout. Much the previous book, the prose is written in an inviting style. Characters and events are described in vivid detail, although, except for 1999 and a few other instances outside of the core narrative, the details of the world aren’t described in as much detail. I need to make special mention of the introduction to each chapter, though, featuring colourful text, quoting axioms and texts from throughout the Realm’s history.

Among the areas of the book described in great detail are its sex scenes, of which there are many. The level of detail provided is explicit, but due to the author’s style in writing them, they don’t feel erotic, nor particularly romantic. Had a less is more approach been taken, the book would have benefitted. While there is also some violence and a fair amount of swearing, these don’t stand out as much. In most respects, this feels a young adult book, but it's only suitable for audiences over eighteen. In most other respects, it could resonate with young readers. I do appreciate how positively these scenes present consent, however.

Consent is just one of the themes that the book presents positively. It also promotes inclusion and themes of feminism and LGBTQI+ rights. Its subject matter also presents its world as a xenophobic one—parallel to our world, something presented during its 1999 prologue—with characters being discriminated against because of their gender, their sexual identity, or because they wield the “Xanthcraft” power.

As the second book in The Serrulata Saga, Test of the Four doesn’t entirely stand on its own, and I’d recommend reading Gathering of the Four first. This doesn’t spend much time getting readers caught up in the world, but if you pick this up first, you’ll still be able to follow along. The story itself feels complete, and you won’t be left feeling as though you’ve only read part of a story.

This is an entertaining read that presents an enjoyable science fantasy world. With its disjointed plot and sex scenes that feel more out of place than its predecessor, it doesn’t work quite as well, but it continues an intriguing story.

My full review will be available on my website from 7 December 2022. To read it, my review for Gathering of the Four, and a host of other , click here.1 Talli MorganAuthor 8 books46

Disclaimer: I received a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review, and this in no way affects my opinions.

To say this book is a rollercoaster of surprises would be an understatement. If you began The Serrulata Saga expecting more science-fantasy elements than you got in book one, this follow-up won't leave you disappointed. The meld of sci-fi, historical fiction, and magic makes for a truly unique and unparalleled reading experience.

There's still a lot to be tied up and revealed before this series concludes, but TEST OF THE FOUR provides some shocking background to the history of the Realm that does answer questions from book one. I enjoyed the POV hopping throughout this book, offering insight across time and space — literally — of what happened, what's currently happening, and what will happen to this desolate world. Bennett's star characters steal the show once again with their wit and resilience; I look forward to seeing what the next installment throws at them.

The Serrulata Saga is shaping up to be an epic series indeed.author-friends indie-books1 Sara486 12

This novel was a great continuation of the story that began in Gathering of the Four with a dynamic, expertly-woven plot and lots of excitement. It answered some questions, introduced new ones and left me eager for the next installment. The character development for the four main characters- Leora, Aurora, Roland and Leopold- was compelling to read, as well as seeing how the complexities of other characters, some new and some more familiar, were explored over the course of the story.

This entry in the series added to the world in terms of both world-building and lore. Xanthcraft is explored in more detail in this novel, and from a few different angles, which was interesting. The reader is shown what exists beyond the Realm, for better or worse, and how different groups have adapted to the way things are in the world of this story. There are hints regarding what caused "thing to go wrong" in terms of society collapsing that were intriguing and introduce a great mystery for future novels.

I was provided with a copy of Test of the Four by the author for review.fantasy1 Angela5,780 74

3.5 Stars

Test of the Four is the second book in The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett. This continues the adventure we started in ‘Gathering of the Four’ (Book #1)- so if you haven’t read that yet, I highly recommend that you do in order to fully appreciate this story.
As with the first book, this is a sci-fi fantasy adventure with a dystopian feel, action, drama, danger, a ‘quest’ of sorts, challenges, threats, friendship, romance, mystery, tension, and intrigue (just to name a few). The story/series is set in the distant future which adds an extra element of interest to the overall storyline, plus we get several POV’s which gives us a broader perspective of the story/series as well.
After really enjoying the first book in the series, I was excited to embark on more of the adventure, diving this second instalment. While I did appreciate the story- there were times that I felt this was ‘heavier’, slower going, choppier and more ‘wandering’ than I expected. The author has a very descriptive and detailed writing style, which really helps to paint a picture of the world, characters, and adventure- but at times I felt this portion of the series/story got a bit lost in all the detail. It just didn’t have the same ‘dynamic’ and engrossing feel (for me) as the first book did…. But there was a lot of ground to cover here, so I put those above issues down to the author setting us up for what might happen in the next book/books. So, I will just have to wait and see.
Leora, Roland, Aurora, and Leopold are continuing their adventure, having left the Realm- but things aren’t going quite so great. We follow along as they face threats & challenges, try to control & hone their ‘powers’, embark on romantic entanglements, and grapple with their own inner demons.
I wonder what the rest of the series will bring…. Stay tuned!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, A.E. Bennett!
2 s Roxsanne Lesieur792 7

The Four, Leora, Leopold, Roland and Aurora return and they have just crossed the border out of the Realm and Leopold is severely injured, so Leora tries to heal him using her powers to help him, however, they are found by people living near the border, but they are wary and just as unnerved as the people who found them. Meanwhile, Roland and Aurora are trying to probe the depths of their new found romance and as they have to stay near to Leopold, the group finally have time to process everything that has happened to them.

Meanwhile, the Sovereign is more paranoid than ever and especially now he has his powers, however, he is extremely volatile as well and is prone to threatening everyone and everything around him with his powers. This is putting everyone around him on edge and security is becoming scarce, so the gentry of the realm are preparing for this by planning ways to protect their families, even if it could cost them everything in the process.

When Leopold recovers enough, the Four leave the sanctuary they have briefly enjoyed to carry on their journey towards New York, the mythical city who found help them, however even though they are travelling further from the realm, more danger await them, but could they be any worse than the Realm and will they be able to find what they are looking for when they arrive at their destination? This is an epic tale, across a dystopian future where danger lies around every corner, secrets and lies abound and the emotional rollercoaster will leave you with plenty of ups and downs as you read along with this adventure of four very different people aiming for one goal. Erin31 1 follower

I didn't this book as much as I d the first one but I still had a great time!

I loved everything we learned about the state of the world at large. The new lore, cities, and characters and the way the stakes went through the roof in the last few chapters were just fantastic. The characters were diverse, not just in the standard ways, but also in how they handled their grief and the problems they faced. And I loved how the author handled how language would change and develop in isolated populations to the point the cast needed a translator to get around. It was a touch of realism I really enjoyed.

The characters occasionally came across as rather flat and it felt the author skipped some scenes I feel would've been good to see but those times weren't often and didn't detract from my enjoyment too much.

I will say that the sex scenes in this book felt a bit gratuitous after a while. The relationships devolved into "how often can we get into each other's clothes" more than relationship building and that was frustrating. I do appreciate that the characters have sex lives (And the women aren't shamed for wanting sex, which is a phenomenon I want to see more of all around), but after the third scene I just skipped them all because I wanted to get back to the story.

Overall, this was a solid read and I enjoyed it a lot. I read the entire book in two sittings and I'm very excited for the next book in the series!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Kandi166

The thrills continue in The Test of the Four. Roland, Aurora, Leora, and Leopold brave their way through a series of adventures as the saga progresses. Roland and Aurora have a sweet romance. Leora works to perfect the Xanthcraft skills she has, and discovers new gifts, as well. And Leopold slowly learns what life is when he allows his emotions out. New characters and plots add dimension to the story.
As thrilling as some part of this book were, I was disappointed by the similarities I found to other series I have read (City of Ember and Catching Fire come to mind), as well as a strong ness to The Village, a movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan. In addition, the author goes overboard in her desire to add references of LGBTQ aspects to the story, which became very annoying after a while. The heavy-handed use of pronouns became tiresome early on, and I found myself rolling my eyes often.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that this book delved into the realm of erotica more than was necessary. Is this a fantasy story, or a steamy romance? It seems as though the author added many of the scenes for shock value, and this, too, was overdone.
Overall, I did enjoy most of the book, but the detractors previously mentioned really took away from the story.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Kerry carr1,542 17

This is the 2nd book in the Serrulata Saga and the adventure continues for our four-Leora, Roland, Aurora and Leopold. I do recommend reading the first book before this one as it continues from the first book and would be confusing for people if they jumped right in with the second book. The author does an amazing job of world building. Allowing us a glimpse of what life could be in the future as well as giving us an amazing view into life in the Realm.

After the four of them manage to cross over the border they find themselves in a world that they don't know or understand. Everything is different and dangerous and with Leora struggling to control her magic and Leopold fighting demons do the four of them stand any chance of survival to return to their realm.
Also with things happening in the realm as well and people's lives being placed in danger by a soverign that has no control over his power will their be anyone or anything left for them to return too.

This book is a really interesting read with twists and turns, magic and adventure as well as a blossoming romance between Aurora and Roland.
The authors character development has made them feel family and I can't wait to continue reading their journey to understanding their powers and themselves in the process. Maureen289 5

This is the follow-up to what I consider a wonderful debut book, and is the middle of a trilogy.

The first book was a wonderful mix of Victorian era people and modern dystopian society. The two haven’t yet met each other, but that train is chugging down the tracks with a full head of steam. The clash should change multiple societies.

The world-building is totally immersive, no matter which society you’re looking in on, or whose eyes you’re looking out. Several very exciting events have recently occurred and the arrival of the third book cannot happen fast enough for me.

The only problem I see with the writing is a propensity to repeat phrases to the point of near-annoyance. But hey, if GRRM can miss fire-kissed hair so many times, I can put up with a few comets in the sky “with two tails - one of gold, one of blue.”

Many of the characters are not having things go their way at the moment, to varying degrees of sorrow, aggravation or fear .. but none of it feels the author is throwing fireballs at the characters to watch them struggle in the name of plot development. Their problems are mostly organic and how they’re each dealing with issues feels honest. I am thoroughly enjoying this author. FeedMyReads373 19

4.5 stars

Following the amazing journey of Gathering of the Four, book 1 in the Serrulata Saga, we find the four have managed to get through the border and outside of the realm but can this mean safety or is the unknown potentially worse than what could be imagined for those living in the Realm? Continuing their journey, the four will come upon new people, new dangers and much more than could ever be imagined and lead to more questions for them than answers.

This book is another huge accomplishment as the author manages to give a depth to the book that helps the reader feel the grime, sense the emotions, journey with the characters and much more that shows a true talent and a series that is showing the huge promise of the first book in the series was not a one off and instead just the start of something special.

Small markdown? A few edits but overall an amazing book and these should not worry the reader as it is something to be acknowledged but not something that ruin the book.

1 Tausha Treadway1,484 13

Test of the Four: Book Two of The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett. I have loved this series. Its a sci fi, dystopian with a little romance thrown in which is not my favorite genre but this series has sucked me in. It picks right up after book 2 and the four have just crossed the border and escaped the Realm. Once inside after not having a lot of problems crossing it seems they run into every problem possible. They have enemies but find a few allies along the way and Leopold ends up hurt. They are chased, captured, in different times and places, fighting with everyone and it seems they are in constant battle. There is a lot of sex in this book as well, vivid sex so be aware. Its a fun book to see the growth and development of all the characters and see what happens to them. The writing is so well done that I felt I was inside the book with the characters which is always amazing. I do recommend reading the first book to get a good read on all the characters and the story itself. This is a pretty long read so be prepared for that. Its well worth it Shannen558 16

This is the second book in The Serrulata Saga, and it was just as incredible as the first! I wouldn’t recommend reading this as a standalone as it picks up right where the first book left off. There is also a great amount of detail overall, which I absolutely love, so getting the feel of the first one would help tremendously. You get to experience this story from multiple points of view, and I love that because it lets you get into the character’s minds a bit more. The depth of the characters is something that I have a hard time finding anywhere else. The author expertly crafts each character, developing them at the perfect pace, and making them somehow both diverse and relatable at the same time. The flow of the story is seamless as I never felt jolted out by an oddly placed phrase or scene change. I lost an entire weekend reading this book, so clear a couple days ahead of time. If you the dystopian sci-fi genre, this should hands down be your next read! I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for us next! Amanda Glaspie119 2

Book two in the series did not disappoint. The ending from book one instantly had you excited for the next in the series and this was exactly what I hoping for. The book starts right back from where the previous book ended with the four leaving the realm. As the story progresses, we learn more and more about each character as the story is told in their individual point of views. This will always be one of favorite ways for character development to expand and it is done very well in this series. This is best to be read in order in the series but could potentially be read as a stand alone. This book continues to focus on the four main characters but brings back old and introduces new characters that help move the story along. It is very important to note that there are some very heavy topics in this book but it is written very well and there is a warning at the beginning off the book. Overall, great futuristic read that will keep you wanting more. AnneMarie Jansen15 1 follower

Disclaimer I received this book as an arc copy.
Welcome to the continuation of the serrulata saga. If your new to A.E Bennett’s work I’m not quite sure I would start with this book. While I the continued world building and character development the plot of the book seemed to be lacking a bit. At times it felt a bit disjointed and not well put together. The the idea really intrigued me, however the execution was not quite there. While this one isn’t quite as good as it’s predecesor it’s certainly not bad. Oh and fair warning due to the sex scenes in the book it is definitely 18+. If those were scaled back a bit I think more people could read it. Overall the book I think had good potential but the plot left me hanging with some questions and felt a bit disorganized. If you enjoyed the first book I would say go ahead and give this one a go. Anna VelfmanAuthor 7 books26

Bennett did it again!

My heart, I want my feels back!

The cast of characters continues their journey and the world of the realm really opens out. They are in places not even the realm's scholars know about and meeting people with completely different attitudes and beliefs.

The monarch continues to be the guy you love to hate but... the biggest shock is Eve, who despite all that has happened to her- finds her voice and learns to play the system. I am sensing a vengeance character arc and I am utterly here for that. Also, Leo is a sweety despite his past and the fact I can identify with his struggles shows fantastic skill in character development.

As always, this is a beast of a book, but it didn't feel overlong and the plot unravels faster than in the previous book. I can't wait for the next instalment. Callie81

Make sure to read the Gathering of the Four before the Test of the Four! It picks up right where the previous book ends. They have finally reached outside the Realm, into the unknown world. Leora continues to develop her magic. Leopold recovers from his injuries and is trying to heal from this past as well. Roland and Aurora continue their newly formed relationship. Old and new characters are added to the mix. I highly enjoyed Eve’s continued development in the story. I also enjoy the blurb before the chapter because it gives the readers hints about what is about to happen and helps the reader to piece the information together. More of the technology and the city is revealed in this book. It is set in the distant future with alternative events to our current day. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series! Miss SHF Urquhart184 5

This is is the second book in the Serrulata Saga. AE Bennett is a new author to me and I am glad to have found her.

The Four are facing dangers to get to New York and their first test is to get through the border of the only lands they had known. Their journey is fraught with danger and Leora uses up all her reserves to try and heal Leopold who has been poisoned. They are caught by the border guard and as I would be revealing more plot I am leaving it here.

This is a well written book and it left me dreaming of the next book, which is rare.

I received an ARC copy free and I am leaving an impartial review. Amanda Haller-Doris196 3

This is the second book in this series and the author did not disappoint with continuing the story and seeing how the four continue to navigate their journey. The author does such a wonderful job of describing the characters and the vivid descriptions of their journey; you really do feel you are right there with them. This continues to be a well written tale of Leora, Aurora, Leopold and Roland trying to figure out their next steps while battling injuries, relationships and the complexities of the realm. The author creates such a multi-layered story that you can’t help but want to see how it ends. I can’t wait for the next book in the series so I can see what happens next! Kerry Baker2,600 19

This book is the second in the series and is a great follow up to the first book. It was great to get back into these characters and continue on their journey with them. This book is just as descriptive and detailed as the first one. At times it slowed the story down a little but definitely added a depth to the story that would have otherwise been missing.
The story is well created and just as exciting as the first one. It was great to see all the characters develop as they explored their new reality outside the realm. I connected with them as easily as the first book and I am looking forward to seeing what is next in store for them.
Rebecca Hill148

This book is the second in a series. While it could stand alone as the characters are in a new environment, outside of the Border, it would be best read in order. Overall, the story continues following Leora, Aurora, Leopold, and Roland as they learn more than they have been taught and more about the world they live in as well. There are many peripheral characters, some returning and some new. I wanted to just read more of Leora’s story but struggled with heavy handed doses of many of today’s hot button topics. I can't wait to read more about Leora and her journey and hope more of their journey will shine through.
Tracy303 2

A 4.5 read
I was lucky enough to be able to move straight onto the second in the Serrulata Series after completing the first, and the fist it is a really well written dystopian story.
The four consisting of Leora, Rolland, Aurora and Leoplod continue to grow their relationships, hone their magic and try to make sense of the world outside of the Border of the Realm as they head to New York which is now a fable. Whilst there continues to be issues within the Realm.
Relationships grow and meld, and the characters develop as consistently as in the first book. The world is described in such a way that you can almost see it.
Another really good dystopian read.
Hannah199 1 follower

This is the continuation of the first book Gathering of the Four. Could be read as a standalone but I highly suggest going and reading the first book you won't regret it. This still follows the Four main characters Leora, Aurora, Leopold, and Roland and their journey learning about what was kept from them. I think Leora might be my favorite but check back with me after the third book
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