
Tides & Drift de Adrienne Young

de Adrienne Young - Género: English
libro gratis Tides & Drift


Adrienne Young Publisher: Titan Books ISBN: 9781803369488,9781803369471

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Two packed stories
Unly pairings
Dodgy dealings and risk

My favourite kinds of novellas are those set in a world I already have love for. The Fable world is just that and these two pairs of characters held the stage.

Tides took us back into the Roth family with Aus. He was born into the family, controlled and unwilling but resigned to his lot. This mafia- family remained fascinating and unable. The unly connection of Aus to Paj was quite lovely and we saw a slow and tangible build between these two. There was so much to love about this story and it totally got me in the feels.

Drift took us to a fledgling harbour and Willa working with Koy to build a new place for ships to come. There was a fair hand of crime, drama and killing with a tentative romance underpinning. I really d Willa as a character, her independance and also her care for Ailee was good reading. This one finished in a place where I wanted more but thoroughly enjoyable all the same.

Thank you Titan Books for the eARC.2024-jan 2024-reads arc-read ...more5 s2 comments Midnight Library Mouse80 57

I don't know what I'll do without any more of these books in my life. I love the whole world, the characters, Adrienne's writing. I love love love it.fave-reads-20244 s Joanne Mallett47

I can't get enough of the narrows series. These short stories were everything I needed. I definitely want to read them all again.3 s Tilly1,464 217

4 Stars

If you loved the Fable series then this is a must read as it adds to two storylines that we didn't get in the original books.
The first us Tides and is about Auster (a member of the Roth family who deal in fake gems) and Paj (a deckhand from a ship that stops at the port Auster lives every 2 weeks). The story was really good and I loved getting to know their history and how their romance started. I loved both characters so this was a fun extra read for me. I did find it to be a little obvious based on what we already knew but I still loved reading it.

Drift is the story of Willa and Koy, after the events of the Fable series. This was my favourite story out of the two as I loved Willa and to see how her life continued was something that I really wanted. To be honest, I think this could have been a full book as there is so much detail and aspects that could be built upon. The ending was quite open so I do hope that we get more of Willa! This novella was filled with ups and downs, drama and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat at one point and it had me hooked from start to finish. I wish there had been a little more about Koy, or even a few chapters from his point of view though. It was interesting to be back on Jeval too but from someone's perspective other than Fables.

Adrienne Young can do no wrong in my eyes and these extra novellas definitely added to this series and made me desperate for another full book in this series! Her writing never fails to grab my attention and hold it, plus I love her characters and storylines so so much.

Overall, a great two extra novellas that all Fable lovers will enjoy!2 s Will465 15



Drift is certainly the weaker of the two. The story is fairly straightforward, and the characters—while interesting—aren’t the strongest. Koy is the strong, silent type. Willa is a the headstrong, outgoing type. Together, while I’m not saying their love won’t work, they’re not the strongest cast. Story-wise, it’s interesting, if not terribly immersive. Adventure-wise, it’s a bit boring; we already know about Jeval. Sure, I was curious about what happened to Willa following her departure, and legitimizing Jeval is all well and good—it’s never going to deliver anywhere near the same sort of adventure found in the rest of the series. Romance-wise, it’s a bit of a dud. Altogether, it’s not a bad story, just fails to impress.

5.5 / 10 ?


My favorite of the two, Tides got me from page one. Auster is a bit of the strong silent type as well, though nowhere near as stoic as Koy. Paj, on the other hand, is exactly the same. Between the two of them… well, the love story just kinda ignites. If you’ve read the full Narrows stock, you know how bad the Roth family can be, and how one has to work to get under their skin. Or not, as the case may be. Don’t make waves, don’t displease Henrik. And yet, somehow Auster and Paj work. Finding out how is the entire point. And it’s a great tale.

9 / 10 ?
2024 arc fantasy ...more2 s Melanie (Fenrys's Version)155 29

There has got to be more books coming right?! I will die of happiness if there is and that ending has to be a set up for more
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