
The Vineyard Remains de Addison McKnight

de Addison McKnight - Género: English
libro gratis The Vineyard Remains


Two women, brought together by tragedy, strive to find themselves on Martha’s Vineyard. But it’s not easy to heal old wounds in a powerful novel about family, secrets, motherhood, and the cold grip of the past.
A desperate murder committed by Angela Miller’s mother tore Angela’s life apart and brought her to Martha’s Vineyard to live with her wealthy grandparents. It’s where her cousin, Kiki King, was born and raised, and Kiki now wants nothing more than to see the world beyond its sandy perimeter. Kiki’s mother escaped it. She took a late-night swim off Tashmoo Beach and was never seen again.
Once bound by broken childhoods, Angela and Kiki have grown up divided—by their obsessions, their love for the same man, and their own conflicted journeys of motherhood. But when a small box of bones is unearthed in the woods, Angela and Kiki discover there’s so much more to learn about each other, their families, and the dark side of the picturesque island they call home.
It’s time for Angela and Kiki to expose their secrets, to finally end a cycle of family drama and anguish, and to forgive and make peace with the past on their own terms....M.F

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I got an advanced copy and by the first page I was transported to vacation mode on Martha's vineyard.The characters were flawed but I loved how I was routing for one and then swapped, keeping me turning the pages.The plot was masterfully crafted with twists and turns until the end which was a surprising ending. I thought the book would make a great tv series. I am going to check out their other book and look forward to more.4 s Kerry Caldwell12 5

This book was SO good and really fun to read. I loved the style of alternating chapters between 2 main characters!! There were chapters where I hated each character and then others where I totally sympathized with and loved them. In my opinion that makes for a really good book!!
It was full of suspense and twists so when I thought I knew what was going to happen…. I didn’t…
Basically go get this book, trust me!3 s Stacy40pages1,552 190

The Vineyard Remains by Addison McKnight. Thanks to the authors for the gifted copy ??????????

Cousins Angela and Kiki grew up together but after a murder in the family, their sides of the family have nothing to do with each other.

This was a great story that will make a thrilling beach read. It has a lot of drama and so much to it. It’s soap opera ish, but in the best way. There’s always some new action and drama. It has a bit of romance, suspense, and even thrills.

“There was not one beautiful thing that this island had offered her. And she had every intention of leaving it all behind and never looking back.”

The Vineyard Remains comes out 3/12. 3 s1 comment Denise75 31

Special thanks to NetGalley, Addison McKnight and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of this incredible novel.

I absolutely enjoyed this book from start to finish. It was evident from the first few pages that this book would not disappoint. Definitely comparable to the infamous “Where the Crawdads Sing.” Highly, strongly recommend.

4.5 ?? rounded up to 5.2 s Jaclyn B.231 3

I'm so lost on how I feel about this book. It's... difficult.

When Angel and her brother TJ are brought to live with her grandparents on Martha's Vineyard, their world has been turned upside down. Their father has just been murdered by their mother. Their grandmother changes their names to Angela and Thomas, to give them a new life.

Angela had always been fond of the island; they would spend summers there with their grandparents, and she was close to her cousin Kiki, who was only a year younger. Upon moving, Kiki's father (their father's brother) warns Kiki away from Angela, and it's almost easier to Kiki to hate Angela, who she'd been jealous of. Angela had gotten away from the island, and now that she's back, she gets to live with her rich grandparents, while Kiki is stuck alone with her abusive alcoholic father.

Both girls fall in love with Bo Brooks, the island's baseball star who's sure to make it to the major leagues. Angela dated him first, but when she moves away for college, Kiki move in. Bo loves Kiki and can't imagine leaving her, but he can't resist carrying on an affair with Angela when she's in town. Both girls end up pregnant with his child, and as luck would have it, both go into labor the same stormy night. Kiki well before her due date, due to her father's abuse when he found out she was pregnant. Angela's grandmother Kathleen is the only doctor available, and she opens the closed hospital, hoping help with arrive in time. None does, and when Kiki arrives later, Kathleen is forced to deliver both babies, leaving the girls alone and struggling more than she'd wished to. One girl goes home with a baby, one girl is sent to the psych ward convinced she'd heard her stillborn baby's cry.

The years that follow, Kiki struggles as a single mother. She's finally free of her father, but life is not good. She's still stuck on the island, left with Bo's indifference and his parents' cold disapproval. She spends years in a shed with the daughter she can't seem to feel close to. Angela struggles with her memories of the night, with the fear she'd done something awful to her child that she can't remember. Just she can't remember clearly the night her father died.

I'll be honest - I struggled through the middle of this book. While the trauma they were raised with, and their continued experiences trying to survive, were dealt with expertly... I just didn't them. Was I sympathetic to the trauma they faced? Did I wish for them to find better lives, absolutely! Instead, they were caught up on both wanting to keep Bo - who was in no way an ideal boyfriend. How either of them were attracted to him was beyond me, and the years they wasted in that pursuit, the pain caused by it... it made all three of them toxic.

One of the books I was close to not finishing, it might come as a surprise to why it's getting a 4 star rating from me. I think, in the end, it came down to the fact that while their problems didn't all magically go away, things did take a turn for the better. We did get answers - not ones that made everything ok. I severely disd actions that were taken, to the point that I gave up on characters and thought them beyond redemption. Why should I care, when they instigated so much of their own suffering? However... I did find it very realistic. What both girls experienced, the trauma that shaped them, and their struggles to survive. To just be ok. Real life doesn't always have happy endings. You can't just wish things better. Instead, you have to work at it daily - and you're going to need help along the way.

If you enjoy realistic stories, stories of people who live with trauma and struggle to find their way. Of people who don't make the right choices, who some how seem to make that wrong step at every turn, this one is for you. If you stories of the women who survive, who find themselves wanting to give every opportunity to those who come after them, this one is for you.2 s Amanda McHughAuthor 3 books43

With dynamic characters, tightly-woven storylines, and a mystery that spans decades, The Vineyard Remains is an insightful look into the complexities of motherhood, relationships, and societal pressures that will keep you turning pages well into the night. McKnight’s writing is crisp and powerful, highlighting relevant issues without losing any of the intrigue. An absolute must-read. 2 s Ferne1,314 40

For many years of childhood, cousins Angel and Kiki were inseparable when Angel and her brother TJ came from California to stay with their grandparents for 2 weeks every summer on Martha's Vineyard—two weeks of fun, joy, and love. Kiki lived on Martha's Vineyard year-round. That is their history on the island.

Angel King became Angela Miller, and TJ King became Thomas Miller—name changes orchestrated by their grandmother, who brought them to live year-round on the island with their grandparents for a fresh start. Kiki's life had changed too. The differences in the changes to Angela and Kiki's lives severed their friendship.

The majority of the story is told from 2 POVs, Angela and Kiki; the novel divided into 2 parts. Part 1 gives a glimpse of the backstory in 1998 and 1999, moving forward to May 2006-Labor Day 2008. Part 2 moves forward to September 2012-January 2018, a glimpse back to December 2006, followed by an Epilogue.

Visions of Martha's Vineyard retain idyllic summer visits from my memories. But this story doesn't focus on idyllic sights and sounds of summer delights and adventures tourists enjoy. This story unearths a darker side of reality. Children trying to navigate their way through family secrets, some in their awareness, some hidden. Even as they've grown older, they are still part of the drama and broken. It takes a long time for the cousins to realize that they have remained a part of each other's story, and through that time, the conflicts widen the gaps between them. To heal from the past, they must learn each other's secrets. But being in sync came to a halt a long time ago. It may be too late for understanding and forgiveness.

Family drama, family secrets, lies, silence, twist, turn, and detour, and there is a wonder if Angela and Kiki will ever evolve or if the only way they know how to live is to let the past control their present and future. Will they ever realize the truth or learn the truth? A story of survival. This is a story filled with decisions, some made with knee-jerk reactions. It is a story of women trying to find a way forward, but sometimes, they get in their own way. Forward doesn’t always mean Happily Ever After. Forward sometimes means acceptance, forgiveness, and inner peace.

I never would have guessed if I had not known the writing was by 2 individuals before reading the book. The book is well-written and flows smoothly. The book’s format with the years clearly indicated allows the story development to be realistic as navigating forward when the past clouds the women’s thoughts, actions, responses, and relationships take time.

Reviewer's Note: Addison McKnight is the pseudonym created by Nicole Moleti and Krista Wells.

Thank you to Addison McKnight, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an eARC of this book.netgalley2 s Marisa1,224 98

This book…. It’s going to stay with me for a long time.

The sophomore slump did not hit Addison McKnight with this heart breaking, twisted, page turning novel

I couldn’t stop reading I wanted so much for these characters to find peace

Absolutely brillantly written one of the best books I’ve read this year! 2 s Carole Barker222 19

Can two young women overcome the trauma of their pasts?

Angela and Kiki are cousins who have been very close since they were young. Each summer, Angela and her little brother TJ come to stay with their grandparents on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, and during those weeks the girls are inseparable. All that changes when a tragic event sends Angela and TJ to live with their grandparents permanently, an event that also turns the two girls’ families and ultimately the girls themselves into bitter enemies ….and things only get worse in the following years. Year round life on an island known as a summer playground is not, as it turns out, as much fun as spending a summer holiday there. One parent is abusive, another disappears, yet another is in prison; alcoholism and poverty take their toll, While one girl is raised with a financially comfortable lifestyle, the other’s existence is hardscrabble. Both girls fall in love with the same boy, looking for love and stability at any cost. With the toxicity of their family histories and the many losses each has suffered, will either be able to claim the life she wants?
Told in alternating chapters from the points of view of Kiki and Angela, The Vineyard Remains was not exactly the book I was expecting….it was more a family drama with a mystery mixed in. As someone who knows and loves Martha’s Vineyard well, I felt that while the novel definitely did a good job of describing the island from the point of view of the year round residents who eke out an existence, I wish that more time had been taken to describe the island and the many locales mentioned. For someone who is not familiar with the island, it may be frustrating to have a place mentioned but without description be unable to envision it. What befalls both Kiki and Angela is heart-wrenching, and while I wished for each to survive and overcome the unfortunate hands they were dealt, I didn’t them (or more specifically the choices each made), which also was an impediment to loving the story. If you family dramas, then The Vineyard Remains may appeal to you….just don’t expect a Vineyard mystery à la Philip Craig or Cynthia Riggs. Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me access to an advanced readers copy.1 Carole Barker222 19

Can two young women overcome the trauma of their pasts?

Angela and Kiki are cousins who have been very close since they were young. Each summer, Angela and her little brother TJ come to stay with their grandparents on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, and during those weeks the girls are inseparable. All that changes when a tragic event sends Angela and TJ to live with their grandparents permanently, an event that also turns the two girls’ families and ultimately the girls themselves into bitter enemies ….and things only get worse in the following years. Year round life on an island known as a summer playground is not, as it turns out, as much fun as spending a summer holiday there. One parent is abusive, another disappears, yet another is in prison; alcoholism and poverty take their toll, While one girl is raised with a financially comfortable lifestyle, the other’s existence is hardscrabble. Both girls fall in love with the same boy, looking for love and stability at any cost. With the toxicity of their family histories and the many losses each has suffered, will either be able to claim the life she wants?
Told in alternating chapters from the points of view of Kiki and Angela, The Vineyard Remains was not exactly the book I was expecting….it was more a family drama with a mystery mixed in. As someone who knows and loves Martha’s Vineyard well, I felt that while the novel definitely did a good job of describing the island from the point of view of the year round residents who eke out an existence, I wish that more time had been taken to describe the island and the many locales mentioned. For someone who is not familiar with the island, it may be frustrating to have a place mentioned but without description be unable to envision it. What befalls both Kiki and Angela is heart-wrenching, and while I wished for each to survive and overcome the unfortunate hands they were dealt, I didn’t them (or more specifically the choices each made), which also was an impediment to loving the story. If you family dramas, then The Vineyard Remains may appeal to you….just don’t expect a Vineyard mystery à la Philip Craig or Cynthia Riggs. Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me access to an advanced readers copy.1 Margie Shaw428 36

I can’t say enough about this book, I thought it was a fantastic read! I was first attracted to the cover which is absolutely stunning, and the stories location being on Martha’s Vineyard, my dream destination spot, perfect! The Vineyard Remains by Addison McKnight, which is actually 2 authors writing together under that name, is a thriller that reads more women’s fiction. It’s the story of 2 cousins, Angela and Kiki, who start off as childhood friends but end up becoming rivals. They both experienced similar losses, are both victims of domestic abuse and both fall in love with the same guy. This story had so many twists and turns to it that it kept me glued to my kindle. Not many books have that effect on me. I felt a love-hate relationship with both of the main characters throughout the whole book. I really had an issue with Angela’s grandmother for doing what she did until I learned the truth about what actually happened towards the end of the story. You’ll just have to read the book to understand and you’ll be so glad you did. I’ve already been recommending it to other readers, it’s that good! I’d to thank Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the arc that I obtained off the Read Now section. This is one of my favorite books that I’ve read so far this year and I’m giving it a 5 star rating. It was my first time reading a book by Addison McKnight, which is a pen name for Nicole Moleti and Krista Wells, and I now look forward to reading both their backlist and any future books that they decide to write. Great job ladies!1 Sunny135 7

The Vineyard Remains is chock full of family drama, told over the span of the formative years of these two cousins' lives. Angela and Kiki used to play together every summer when Angela's family visited the Vineyard, but when Angela is forced to move there to live with her grandmother after her abusive father's murder, the two cousins no longer have any relationship.

These characters are flawed with a capital F! Both just kept making terrible choice after terrible choice. There is reason behind it, and I think the authors did a great job diving into some of these really difficult topics. Despite both girls being quite unlikable at times, I still found myself hoping that they would figure out their issues.

As a New Englander myself, I loved the small New England beach town setting. I could easily picture the locations throughout the book. I saw this described as 'soapy' somewhere, and it's definitely a small town soap opera.

Overall, if you enjoy suspenseful family dramas, you'll definitely want to check this out!1 Heather447 5

Thanks to #NetGalley and #LakeUnionPublishing for the book #TheVineyardRemains by #AddisonMcknight. This book is about cousins that love and get pregnant by the same man, one baby lives-one dies. The tragedy and struggles they all went through and the outcome of everything. I would recommend this book.1 L W1 review

Great read! Was captivated from the start. Lots of twists and turns. A love/hate relationship with the characters. Some too close to home feelings for me! I am very intrigued to visit the island now. Highly recommend!!1 Rebecca Stapleton44


So elements of this story were great, and although I didn't realise until the end it was two writers, that explained the lack of flow. If you can put up with this, the story is good.1 Cara Norris87 4

This was an amazing read !
It was gripping, and had me hanging onto to every word! It was written perfectly and was super easy to follow. The characters were extremely well developed and easy to love. The plot is also very unique! I highly recommend , this is a MUST READ! 1 Rebecca Curtin2

I was captivated by this book - the two main characters, the plot bouncing back and forth between their lives, and the unexpected twists along the way. I really enjoyed this read!1 Ashley Smith16

interesting read!

I really couldn’t stop reading this once I started. I really wanted to know what happened to the characters and to understand/learn more of their back story. It is different than books I have read and I enjoyed the different story line!1 Amie9


i predicted the ending right after the births but it was still a really good read. it had my boyfriend asking for updates and the ending. 1 Lori93 2

I read this book solely because it took place on Martha's Vineyard. This is also the first time I've read anything by this author. This was a fantastic novel about dysfunctional families, lies and deceit. The characters were well developed and I found myself rooting for the underdog. The plot twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't put it down.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC copy and introducing me to a new author!1 AnthonyAuthor 10 books52

The Vineyard Remains is the sophomore effort from Addison McKnight, following their 2023 debut An Imperfect Plan. Much the previous novel, The Vineyard Remains focuses on the lives of two women inextricably connected through childhood trauma that reverberates into their adult lives. McKnight is adept at weaving secrets and psychological drama with a very realistic look at the way women are judged both by society and each other, regardless of whether the things they are being judged for are within their control or not.

Cousins Angel and Kiki were pre-teen long distance best friends, seeing each other in person for only a few weeks each summer when Angel’s family visited family on Martha’s Vineyard, both her mother’s parents and her father’s brothers, one of whom was Kiki’s father. That all changed the year Angel’s mother killed her abusive husband (a night Angel has only hallucinatory memories of). Angel and her brother TJ are taken in by her mother’s parents, renamed Angela and Thomas, but Kiki’s father refuses to let her be friends with Angela anymore. Things are never the same between the girls, despite the similarities in their upbringings and the personalities of their fathers. As they age, the girls become rivals for the same boy – high school baseball phenom Bo Brooks – and unknowingly both become pregnant by him at the same time. This sets them on a lifetime course of bitter, and increasingly hostile, interactions.

There are several underpinning mysteries that propel the narrative: what happened the night Angela’s father was killed? where did Kiki’s missing mother go? and what occurred the night the babies were born? McKnight peppers clues about each throughout the decade-plus-spanning chapters, and thus throughout Angela and Kiki’s lives. It’s definitely a slow burn to the final reveals. Perhaps too slow. If I have one complaint about the book, it’s that the third quarter of it feels the narrative is spinning its wheels in place – all the complications have been introduced, revelations should be imminent, and yet they don’t come for another 70 pages or so. It reminded me of when dramatic television series were 22-24 episodes long and 3-4 of those episodes were usually filler material because the season’s big mystery couldn’t be solved until the final episodes.

On the other hand, where McKnight really excels is at showing the difficulties of recovering from trauma and the circular thought patterns and recurring unhealthy habits that come from that trauma. And maybe that’s the point of those “wheel spinning in place” chapters I felt were so slow. Both Angela and Kiki are locked in patterns both emotional and physical that directly tie back to their different but shared childhood traumas. Every breakthrough, every attempt to change the pattern, is followed by backsliding as old habits and emotions rear up.

I try to avoid spoiling big reveals, so the most I’ll say about the final quarter of the book is that all the mysteries of the past are revealed, and all the roadblocks and complications of the characters’ adult lives are resolved (if not necessarily happily for everyone involved).

Also, it only occurs to me as I’m posting this that the title of this book can be read (interpreted) more than one way. Very cool playing with words, Addison McKnight!

I received an advance reading e-book of this book for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
thriller Carey Calvert439 3

At about 96 square miles and just 20 miles long, Martha’s Vineyard is a small island south of Cape Cod in Dukes County, Massachusetts.

The travel brochure says it’s a picturesque island paradise, just 7 miles off the coast of Massachusetts.

“But a world away from the hustle and bustle.”

In Addison McKnight’s outstanding sophomore novel, amidst its pristine and sandy beaches, the Vineyard is a tangle of secrets, and for some, they can’t wait to leave.

This dichotomy serves to enhance the structure and presence of THE VINEYARD REMAINS, a solid second effort from the duo that is Addison McKnight (Nicole Moleti and Krista Wells).

In this page-turning thriller, two women become twisted in entanglements strained by blood and murder.

Cousins Angela Miller and Kiki King used to be close.

That is until one’s mother committed murder, and the other’s escaped.

Now, Angela lives on the island with her grandparents and Kiki will do anything to leave.

No one writes melodramatic suspense that packs a wallop that will leave you doubled over Addison McKnight.

Fans of Julia Roberts will not be disappointed.

There are familiar themes from the duo’s first novel, namely dauting family dynamics, motherhood, relationships. As an aside whereas AN IMPERFECT PLAN featured tennis, this time around it’s baseball. 

And it’s this relatability; seemingly normal yet fantastical, that keeps the pages turning.

The tension is spicy, and the book never relies on a single plot point to drive the suspense.

Addison McKnight hits you from all angles. None of which you see coming.

Much the first offering from the dynamic duo, AN IMPERFECT PLAN, I read THE VINEYARD REMAINS in two days.

I know that when their third novel comes out, it’ll be the same – 300 + pages and a weekend with Addison McKnight.

And who among us doesn’t love a great Julia Roberts movie? V551 9

This women’s fictional story about estranged cousins is by authors I haven’t read before. The cousins were good friends as kids, grew up to dis and avoid one another from high school on. It stems from a long-standing family feud going back to prior generations. One girl comes from wealth, one doesn’t. One was raised by an abusive father after her mother left. Everyone assumed her mother died swimming in the ocean. The other girl is raised by her grandmother after her mother killed her father. The story alternated between them through different years of their lives. Both girls mature with emotional scars, damaged perceptions, no self-worth and dependence on a man’s love to define them. It was painful to read about their struggles, mistakes, poor choices and the consequences of one act that forever defined their paths. They both love one man, one for spite, the other with her whole being. Much real life, not all stories end happily ever after. The story was well paced, the characters are dripping with heartache, joy, secrets and revenge. I kept cheering for them to overcome the misfortunes life threw at them. Nothing surprising happened for me and I was left saddened by their lives, wishing someone, anyone would have encouraged and cared more for each girl. A life lesson about the consequences of inaction.
An uncorrected proof of “The Vineyard Remains” by Addison McKnight, Published by Lake Union, was provided by NetGalley. Expected publication date March 12, 2024. These are all my own honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation.netgalley-arc Meredith Molloy429 3

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