
Cat of Silvery Hue de Adams, Robert

de Adams, Robert - Género: English
libro gratis Cat of Silvery Hue


Time Conquers All

Led by Lord Milo the Undying One, the men of the Horseclans are slowly reuniting the continent once known as the United States of America using the strength of their swords and their very special mental talents. But the Ehleenee, too, have dreams of powerdreams that have led them into a full-scale religious war of conquest.

Lord Milo must enlist the help of men like Bili Morguhn, whose skill with axe, sword, and mind control makes him a natural clan leader, if he is to contain the menace of the Ehleenee rebels and save civilization from destruction

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This fourth installment continues Robert Adams' dense narrative. The antagonists are portrayed as "Christians turned crazed homosexuals bent on human sacrifice." Bili and Milo continue the quenching of the rebellion (which is still left unresolved...in mid-battle no less).

Disappointingly, the main characters consume the spotlight but do not perform much with their powers other than mindspeak (telepathy). A Cat of Silvery Hue really is about the average Geros, who rises to the occasion to perform heroic deeds that hundreds of nearby veteran warriors fail to address. Geros exhibits more "character" than any of the main characters, and the title is named in honor of his exploits. However, he is a marginal character whose presence is sparse.

I am left with the same feeling I get when I order a greasy hamburger to-go from a fast food joint, leave the drive though, and discover that I was given a chicken sandwich by mistake. I'll curse the restaurant, claim I will never come back, but will anyway after some time.

+ Geros is developed nicely
+ The fight scenes deliver as expected.
+ The Horseclans is very much fast food.

- The main characters did not develop or perform exciting roles
- All the bad guys are blundering idiots with the exception of Drehkos
- Occasional erotica scenes are out-of-place and laughable
- The Horseclans is very much fast food.
epic-fantasy reviewed-by-se3 s Lewis StoneAuthor 3 books5

As with the previous instalment in Robert Adams' Horseclans epic, Revenge of the Horseclans, A Cat of Silvery Hue feels a bit a filler novel in the series - very enjoyable filler, don't get me wrong, but filler nonetheless.

As usual, the battle scenes are thrilling and vivid, the action is consistent, and there are a few great moments of character development. Geros in particular is a character I imagine most readers feel they can relate to, and his moments of sheer bravery despite his overwhelming fear against unimaginable odds are something we can all take inspiration from.

Unfortunately, this book is also lacking in most of what makes Horseclans so interesting; the immortals and the witchmen, the telepathic prairie cats, and the . Don't get me wrong, this was still an enjoyable read that I had a good time with... but the lack of focus on Milo and his ultimate enemies, along with the more fantastical elements being neglected in exchange for rather dry and lengthy militaristic and strategy descriptions, cement this firmly as a pretty good 3-star book for me.

Even so, a 3-star Horseclans novel is still more than enough to keep me fully invested in the series. Not every individual book needs to be a masterpiece for a series to be great, and I'm looking forward to continuing this epic saga in the near future. David Palazzolo252 2

I’m only going to leave a few notes—not really inspired to do a full on critique. The novel picks up right after revenge of the Horseclans ends, so basically these two books are one novel.

Djef’s death was directly mentioned and had more weight to it in this novel. Geros’ story is continued here and he winds up with the greatest character progression in the entire series so far with Drekhos a close second. Usually Adams makes his villains mustache twirling goons, but Drekhos in his way becomes something of a man of honor as it is deemed in this post apocalyptic world.

Also this book has the cringiest sex scene ever—basically take your basic high school male fantasy and multiply by a factor of 10

Again we end abruptly (but more satisfactorily) so I guess this “large” Horseclans novel is going to be actually 3 volumes.
Ria2,390 9

In this tale we hear of a new character Geros, a timid valet who when thrust into the midst of war proves an able and courageous warrior and right now Lord Milo and Bili Morguhn NEED men him as war is tearing the country apart as the Ehleenee rebels are on the rise threatening civilisation.
Exciting as all the other books in this series I love the new plot twist with a fresh character that seems he will be looming large in later adventures. Alayne1,869 5

Having enjoyed the other Robert Adams Horseclans books that I have read, I was looking forward to reading this one. However, not a single prairie cat was involved in this story and instead it was all strategy and war which I found boring to a large extent. Ed126 1 follower

Fun read

A good tale of swords and daring deeds. Well written characters and a world built with good consistent features. It is a wonderful escape from the mundane world. Charles Rigdon14

Robert Adams spins another great yarn!

Robert Adams tales of the Horse Clans are great reading. This is my third reading of these wonderful tales of other times. Barksdale Hales59

A great story

This is a great continuation of a very good series. I highly recommend this series to all who enjoy a good military fantasy read Robert Brown52 1 follower

I first read these many, many years ago, as a teenager. They don't really hold up, alas.

I still Geros Lahvoheetos, though. W.D. IIIAuthor 5 books33

Previous to this book, it's all about the high-level commanders making big decisions, looking for the long haul. Geros is not that. He's a regular guy who, when put in a difficult situation, finds that he has what it takes, despite personal doubts, etc. Up until now, all the characters had a quality that was a bit beyond normal. Geros was real. The main characters up till now were all, "It would be cool to be that." This time, it was, "I AM that." I really enjoyed that angle on the story, as well as seeing the main characters from an outsider's point of view. This one is on par with the first book. Mohammad Ali Abedi433 37

(There are 18 books, and I read until Book 10, Bili the Axe)

I read a bunch of these books, and eventually I got bored of it, but man, what a ride. The story is set in a post-apocalypse world. Everything has gone wrong, from nuclear warfare to plagues, so nothing remains from our time. This new world is run by barbarians and swords. In the new world, there are a few changes. Some clans have the ability to mindspeak to a few select animals, such as big cats (which are more panthers), and a select few have the power of immortality. Such as our main character, the Undying High Lord Milo!

Milo starts up as a small clan leader, and eventually his clan starts growing bigger as the novels progress.

The series is a manly fantasy story with none of the silly dancing elves stuff. Every few pages, someone gets either killed or raped, and the good guys usually are responsible for both. There isn’t a really strong plot or characters to speak off, but if you have to want to pretend you are a man and raping some villagers and chopping off heads, then it can be fun. Daniel622 9

More political and bloodletting fun! This one takes over directly from the events in book three of the series. Bili the Axe comes into play here and Lord Milo (yes the barbarian has a title) has to make some hard choices and decisions that ring on throughout many books in the future. A thoroughly fun read, as all the Horseclans books are.

Danny Edward Rosenfeld113 7

I read this book years ago for the first time, when it was first published. I enjoyed it then and enjoyed it again when I again read it not long ago...A very fun series, with great stories and excellent characters.finished Timothy Boyd6,787 44

The Horseclans series is probably the best blend of fantasy and SiFi I have ever read. Pretty much something for everyone in these books. Great characters, epic storyline, fantastic writings. My highest recommendation shelfari-favorites CharlesAuthor 41 books269

See my review of the Horseclans series under Swords of the Horseclans, Horseclans #2.fantasy Fatbaldguy60202 1 follower

My favorite book of the series; Geros is my favorite character. Steve236 Read

Horseclans Jeff461 1 follower

Another Bili the Axe tale. One of my favorite characters. Paul21 1 follower

Improvement on the 3rd in the series. Does leave me wanting to read the next. Author is making better characters.books-i-own-and-have-read Tim Weakley693 25

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