
One Night in the Ice Storm de Adams, Noelle

de Adams, Noelle - Género: English
libro gratis One Night in the Ice Storm


The ice will melt between them...in one hot night.*

When Rachel arrives back in her hometown for the Christmas holiday, she doesn't expect to be stranded alone in an ice storm with David Harris. David is her brother's best friend, and she's known him all her life. She lost her virginity to him. And he's the one man she can never forgive.

Despite all of the reasons she knows not to trust him, she finds herself falling for him again as they try to keep warm in the storm. No matter how irresistible she still finds him, she definitely plans to resist.

But everything changes in only one night.

Contemporary romance novella.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Este es un poco mejor que el anterior pero la prota es medio odiosa.10 s Bethany498 83

4.5 Stars

That was a really sweet story. I was surprised by how much I d it. It was a short story but it had everything in it that I needed, lost love, family drama, winter storm, some really hot steam and rekindle romance. A great winter romance!8 s Cheesecake2,781 429

Well in 70 pages this book really ticked me off.
8 years ago... Rachel gave her virginity to her brother's best friend, David. It was a mutual thing and she thought they were in love, but then the very next day he didn't reply to her texts or calls and ignored her when she saw him again. So what's a girl to think and how will she respond?
Well she could;
A) kick him in the cojones
B) rant at him in public
C) pretend it didn't matter to her either.
She goes with option C. After all she has her pride to keep her warm.
This all makes sense to me so far and it's glaringly obvious who is truly responsible when you read the story.
And I was OK with the predictable formula until it started in with the 'blame the victim' crap.

rant with spoilers;
So the grandfather threatens David with statutory rape charges (she was 17... not sure which State) and so David who is only a couple years older backs off. That all makes sense. BUT both he and the brother knew about this (the mother is a ditz the father is AWOL) and never thought to tell her for EIGHT + years. Not when she became a legal adult, NOT even when the grandfather finally kicked the bucket the year before!

You might ask why??? Well here's the kicker; David AND HER BROTHER both thought she didn't care because apparently she did such a believable job of hiding her emotions when she was a broken-hearted 17 year old. AND David didn't have the balls to find out for sure.
I'm am flabbergasted that her brother, who should know her, didn't even suspect. I'm not sure who I hate more, David or her brother. I'm actually leaning towards the brother and her useless mother. I suspect David is just a bit 'simple'.

If you care about someone and you treat them sh*t on a stick (for whatever justification), do you not need to MAN THE F up at some point??? Do you really whine a little b*tch that she doesn't wuv you anymore without even asking??? Don't you AT LEAST owe her an apology?
And the brother not only doesn't apologize to HER, he apologizes to David for finally telling his sister the truth.

...AND then the mother acts she was also in the know the whole time.
SERIOUSLY? What is wrong with you people?!

Safety... not really sure the h had some flings or brief relationships. Some good some bad. The author scrupulously doesn't mention if the H did. It's been 8 years, but he was in 'the know'AND it is a VERY small town...
I WILL NOT BE READING THIS AUTHOR AGAINending-sucked everyone-is-a-jerk-to-heroine everyone-is-a-twit ...more7 s Ruth693 288

3 Sterne (= positive und negative Aspekte im Gleichgewicht)

Unterhaltsame Novelle über David und Rachel, die nach jugendlichem Herzschmerz Jahre später eine zweite Chance miteinander verdient haben. Schön atmosphärischer Schneesturm, tolle Chemie, bisschen schneller Wechsel von "uargh, du Ar*** hast mir damals das Herz gebrochen" hin zu "ooooh, knutsch mich weiter"
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