
Witch Queen de A.D. Starrling

de A.D. Starrling - Género: English
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A.D. Starrling Publisher: Silver Orb Publishing, Year: 2024

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An amazing first book in a new series. Reincarnation, witches, demons, angels and more. This will keep you intrigued and ready for the next instalment. Don’t miss out once it’s released.2 s Christine Scotney209 7

Really really good.
Thoroughly enjoyed this, more than I thought I would. As I had met some witches in the Legion series, some of which I didn’t and their familiars were a bit annoying as portrayed. But this! This is way more than I expected from them and the way the familiars are written with their witch counterparts is so much better. Absolutely love Mae and her gang.
The Witch Queen is back! Watch out Demons and Sorcerers your about to meet your Destiny.
Loved it.2 s Janice Mahn92

Witches and new powers

I thoroughly enjoy AD Starling's books. I love that the series are set in the same universe and intersect but can be read independently of each other. The story is engaging from the first page. Fans of paranormal, heaven and hell will enjoy!1 Karen3,857 17

This is a very good start to a new series filled with magic, intrigue, mystery, allies, and foes. The main characters are defined, likable, struggling with power, and family issues, as well as powerful enemies. I loved this book and am looking forward to more. I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my honest review.1 Angi73 2

Amazing new series, but no one is surprised. Starrling's books are always amazing. I love Mae and her new friends. They all have such different personalities that they bring to the story. The way that Mae accepts her new fate with ease makes her a very strong character. She's got good fighting moves, and those demons need a good butt kickin'! The action definitely continues in this series. The mention of Starrling's other book characters make me smile and wonder if they will make any appearances. I can't wait to see how this series plays out. I so enjoy her other series of books.
**I received an advance copy of this book and I suggest you run out and read it!1 Ciru1,545

I got bored reading this. I got until chapter 30 reading, reading it, then skimmed till the end.

There are too many things going on, too many players, too much back history for each element in this book. We have angels, demons, gods, witches, sorcerers, councils, mafia/street gangs and then Mae's family. It is too dense and while some elements do work for the book, I felt towards the end that it was just bogging down the story in TMI/too many players to even bother to keep track of them all.

The book was also written/reads a movie. And a cliché movie at that.

We have Nikolai with the family history. Vlad who is the more playful suitor and the main side kicks Vi and Miles. Then Mae's sister who can see magic, her mum whose main role is cooking and pestering her about potential boyfriend(s) and her granny who has the cooking+family history lessons.

While I enjoyed the humour, especially with Hellreaver, at times it was another aspect of bogging down the story.

The other part that bored me to death was when the first action sequences had calmed down, the whole council aspect as well as the fact that Mae was a cliché hot head.

So, overall, the series has potential. I'll not be continuing with book 2. It just needed to be more compact.1 JILL Stock585

Can't get enough

Am I the only one who thinks A D's stories are totally fantastically good? I can't get enough of this author work and I know I came late to the party but they will come a day in the not to distant future where I will have to wait for the next book to be written... Anyway for now this first book in this series With Queen gets a total give out of five from me. Read you will not be disappointed.1 Dan Allnatt115 4

I came across this series via my Kindle Unlimited and my goodness, this has to be one of the best Urban Fantasy books/series I've come across in quite some time.

From what I understand, the author has already done two book series in the same world as this book is set, so the quality and constance on the foundations that rule this world, help the book flow easily.

I love how quickly the story set off and I've got to say, Mai the heroine of this story, is really, really, really able. Also un so many other series, she is smart and skilled and doesn't end up kidnapped every 5 minuets. Her two love interest are as equally skilled as Mai and it's refreshing to see male characters not being made out as incompetent fools who need women to fix all of their flaws and mistakes. No this book doesn't have this type of modern, hidden agenda, too many books I've come across in recent years.

The thing that has really struck me, was just how balanced it all felt. The bad guys, while deadly and powerful, offer enough of a vice for Mai to need help and she's not too proud or stupid to refuse it when needed. Also the bad guys are not being overthrown and beaten up they are made from wet paper when Mai clashes with them. So there is real weight behind their treats and actions.

Another positive I want to add, is I loved how long the book was. It's enough length for you to really be immersed in the world and story, but not so long that is become an utter slog to finally finished. As of now I'm just starting the 3rd book in the series and I've really enjoyed the story in all of it's elements.

If you love Urban Fantasy, this book and series is an utter must read and better still it's part of the Kindle Unlimited program. Devoted??Reader1,491 29

Bye Bob

An urban fantasy magical adventure that ensnared me from the beginning! Not only does it feature a fierce, sexy, kickass heroine who I full on love, and let me tell you Mae is all the reason you need to devour this book. “Tell your Sorcerer King that I am coming for him… For all of you.” Chills, I still have chills and we’re just getting started. Gah, this book is is what I imagine would happen if Charmed, Grimm and Supernatural teamed up. Pure explosive adrenaline and lots of attitude.

If you need more enticing, there are snarky familiars; a weapon with a vociferous appetite; an amazing and funny family who I want to adopt as my own; fantastic and I mean FANTASTIC characters; topsy-turvy twists; suspenseful, intense action; incredible magic and world-building; AND two swoon worthy, melt in your mouth yummy, I want them both so much and yet they’re so deliciously different, let’s call them Mae’s partners for now, yes that would be the sexy Nikolai and Vlad. Need I say more? Run to grab this book but be prepared to read it straight through and I hope you don’t plan to sleep after you finish as it will leave you amped up and demanding more. Fraser ShermanAuthor 9 books29

Urgh. Another case of "character is new to the magical subculture so infodumping to explain things to her is completely kosher." It isn't. And even outside that it's expository, the opening explaining a current gang war in NYC.
To Starrling's credit, there's plenty of action which isn't the case with most expository novels. And I do the Korean culture elements. But that's not enough to redeem the talky bits.
Minor thought: It's Mae's first adventure (she's the Witch Queen of the title) but she's already playing at the level of epic threat it took Harry Dresden probably nine or ten books to reach. Does that mean the genre's been around long enough that the ordinary low-level threats of twenty years back are now inadequate? urban-fantasy1 Tawnya295 10

The author has a way of getting you into a story immediately. As with her earlier series I wound up reading the book non-stop. Mae is going to be a great protagonist. I could do without Vlad and Nikolai acting children fighting over a toy. It is insulting. With Mae’s power she should not be vulnerable to Vlad’s. I hope we get more of Mae’s sister Ryu. Meanwhile their grandmother is a hoot. I also enjoyed Brimstone and Hellreaver. That weapon is freaky. The tie-ins to the original series aren’t so much that someone who hasn’t read the earlier books would be just fine reading this. If you have read them then the little Easter eggs are neat.unlimited Alina906 7

The Darkest Night is a really well written, enjoyable story that has some amazingly relatable characters in a 'Not-so' relatable world filled with the supernatural, but a fun, and entertaining world to visit, never the less.
The premise is what got me. I was curious and it did not disappoint. I was thoroughly entertained and my interest peeked throughout. As this is the first in series, we are establishing the ground work here and I am pretty excited for the next in series. At the helm of it all is a sassy, pull no punches heroine that brings it all together. Recommended. Lucy14

Great new series by AD Starrling with plenty of action and snarky humor. In this series we are introduced to Mae, Nikolai and Vlad who join together to stop the Sorcerer King. There are so many other great characters in this book, with some of them previously introduced in the Legion series. I’m currently loving Mae’s grandmother and her inappropriate comments along with the witches’ familiars. Strongly recommend the Witch Queen series. Sarah Vinson5 1 follower

Knocked it out of the park

This is another must read series. I purposely intended to delay starting it until it was complete since waiting for the next book kills me but I caved. Apparently self restraint is as much a shortcoming as my lack of patience. Love the new cast of characters and actually laughed out loud at “the fool with the rabbit”
I’m only sorry I can’t give it more than 5 stars. Olivia58 2

This book had all the right elements... magic, demons, great storyline, interesting characters, well developed plot...but I just didn't enjoy it. Maybe there was too much going on in places? Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood to really dig in to the characters? Something about the writing didn't work and it fell flat for me but I think that's more a personal preference than a reflection of the author's work.read-in-2024 Rebecca Schuler63

First book in a new series. Loved the character and story development. The blurb states that there are characters from the previous series that make appearances. If you haven’t read the previous series you may not have all the characters back stories but you won’t be lost in this new book. Would recommend this book. Carrie O’LearyAuthor 7 books59

I loved this book, the characters are fun, I love how strong and sassy the main protagonist is, I adore her familiar, and the two potential love interests, well, Mae really needs to share! I’ve loved all of AD Starrling’s books so far and always recommend them to friends. This is just another series to tempt them to dive into. Loved it! Leralc25 1 follower

It was a good read, didn't compel me to read constantly. I finished it though un a fair few others. I would read book 2, but wouldn't rush to buy it and read it straight away.

Good character development but I didn't love her I think I should've done. Great concept in term of the necklace and the familiar.

That said, Book 2 will be in my TBR. Cheryl Davis30 Read

Great book, the start of a new series and lots happen, which our heroine is not that happen with, as her previously happy-ish life is disrupted when she becomes the witch queen and her best friend Rose is torn from her in the process, while she is plunged in to a nightmare of witches, familiars, demons and an old enemy whose out to get her. Mae is bewildered but makes new friends. J Slater7

Slightly slower start than the Legion series but there are lots of characters to introduce. Nice interweaving of the characters of this book and the Legion characters. Good edgy plot and interesting characters as well as the authors quirky humour make this an excellent read. Pam Martin58 2

Awesomely good

This is another winner by AD Starrling. Mae is another great character and so are Nicolai and Vlad. I prefer Nicolai because Vlad seems a little too arrogant in his sexiness. I can't wait for the next volume to appear. I did get an arc from the author. Alun Humphreys27

Great start to a new series. Nicely intertwined to the Legion series, although it was slightly slower getting going due to the plethora of new characters that needed to be introduced. It's got the makings of another great series, cant wait to read the next book. Pam Koenig635 1 follower

The battle rages

The battle against the demons & black magic continues with old friends and new. The site of the battle has moved to NYC, anup incubus, reincarnation and a guy meniagirp ! Yyyy Leslie207 1 follower

great story

The first few chapters did a lot of laying groundwork; intro of characters, bad vs good. Once I got past all that, I was hooked. Such an exciting story! I’m anxious for what comes next!! Nan179

Fun, Fast Paced Read

The Darkest Night, written by A.D. Starrling, is the first book in the Witch Queen series. From the first page to the last, this storyline held me captive and is a good start to a new series. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. DMA2,295

Wonderful read!

This richly detailed world is compelling and addictive. Mae, Brimstone and Hellreaver are funny and deadly as they deal with what he'll is sent their way!
Brilliant storytelling! Loved it! Michele Keeling306 5

the darkest night

Absolutely loved this book . This is the first book by this author, that I have tried but it won’t be the last. Brilliant story and I have already got the next book in the series Oz &126 2

Magic rules

A witch reincarnated to fight black magic demons from hell a fox familiar and a weapon that's alive plenty of action and sarcasm bloody good tale enjoyed it very much going to read the next one right now ??
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