
Omega de Accardo, Jus

de Accardo, Jus - Género: English
libro gratis Omega


One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson. Only Noah isnt really gone. Thanks to his parents company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, hes determined to resist the magnetic pull hes felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his missionand their livesin danger.

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Ashlyn Calvert finds herself grieving her best friend Noah Anderson after having made one mistake in their relationship. But Noah isn't completely gone from Ashlyn's life since thanks to the Infinity Division there is another version of Noah from another dimension that has just arrived in Ashlyn's life that needs help with his mission.

Noah has been skipping from one dimension to another set on revenge for the death of his sister in his own dimension. He's come across other versions of Ash in other dimensions but has always been able to walk away and fight the pull he feels when near her but now in this dimension there is just something different about this version of Ash.

Omega is the second book in the Infinity Division series by Jus Accardo. Omega features different main characters that the first book, Infinity, and was said in the description that it could be read as a standalone but I tend to disagree with that having read both books. The series features teen characters that are caught up in changing dimensions and coming across different versions but dropping straight into this one would leave one wanting more explanation in my opinion.

After finishing the first book in this series I gave that installment four stars and was hoping to grow from there. When finished with Omega though I'd have to give this one slightly less at 3.5 due to just not enjoying the characters quite as much in this one as I had the first. The story is still there and interesting but I'd say if I hadn't read both it probably would be an even lower rating because I don't think there was enough to build the world in this book alone.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more please visit https://carriesbook.wordpress....netgalley15 s Jen ?Star-Crossed Book Blog?596 354

Omega was action packed, fast paced and so much fun! And I loved being with these characters again! They felt a group of friends that I'd known forever. But before I even read the first page, I was a little nervous since this story would be told by different characters. You see, in Infinity we followed Cade and Kori. And in this story we followed Noah, who was Kori's brother from another realm, and Cade's best friend. Plus we followed and finally met Ash. Ash was a constant that always seemed to be in Noah's lives on all of the realms, well except the one he was from. They had this intense sexual chemistry. And he thought that that was all they had. Until he met this realms Ash. Once I started to watch them interact, I realized that I loved having Omega's journey told from Noah and Ash! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!
His hand grazed my backside and I whirled on him, an even mix of horrified and angry. “Watch it.”
A spark of mischief glinted in his eyes, there and gone in a single beat of my heart before being replaced with steely resignation. “Oh yeah. I got kidnapped and tossed in a mad scientist’s basement just so I could have a shot at touching your ass. Get over yourself and move.”
Since I could talk on and on about this book, here are some of my favorite things about Omega -

? A strong chemistry that slowly unfolded into more -
He caught the swing inches from his face, smirking I’d just whispered all the dirty, dark secrets I had in his ear. “Hit a nerve, did I? Maybe you rude. Maybe jackass is your kink.”He let go of my fist and leaned a little closer. “Go ahead. Tell me I’m not even the tiniest bit right. Tell me—”
I let out a howl and launched myself at him, but instead of stopping me, this time he allowed me to collide with him, full force. When I pulled away to smack him, he held tight and let out a sound that stirred something white-hot in the pit of my stomach. Secured tight, pressed up against his annoyingly perfect body, I felt him laugh. “See, I’m getting the impression that you the chainsaw version of me.”
And then he kissed me.
On every other realm that Noah met Ash, they just had a strong chemistry. He would always hook up with her and move on. But in this realm, their relationship was different. Yeah they had chemistry that made them want to touch, kiss and be near one another, but there was more. And watching them see what that more was all about warmed my heart. The friendship they built slowly over time felt real. And the things they ended up doing for one another felt plausible and a natural course of action. But they both fought what was there every step of the way. So their moments together made for some explosive scenes!

? Uncovering the truth and seeing the bigger picture -
Helping this Noah and his friends might actually be the key to my freedom. - Ash
This time around, while there was some focus on Dylan, there was SO much more going on. In case you need a refresher, Dylan was Cade's brother who murdered the Kori from Cade and Noah's realm. The focus shifted from hunting Dylan to what was happening with their inter-dimensional travel. I can't say more, but wow! Talk about insanity, morally wrong, yet so intriguing at the same time. It left me excited to see how it will affect the third book!

? Fascinating world building -
Body-numbing fear bubbled up in my gut and turned my vision watery. But, despite the near paralyzing terror, I picked myself up and ran. - Ash
I loved how each realm they landed on was different. Whether it was barely noticeable or a stark contrast, I was always intrigued. And the realm we spent the majority of time on, in Omega, crime controlled the land. Al Capone was the President and their tier system was horrific. People's morals were nonexistent in certain situations and it was truly a nightmare world. I was fascinated yet horrified as we saw scientists and high profile people harm others without a second thought. I loved how each realm was so easy to visualize in every aspect!

? Inter-dimension travel and multiple of the same characters that was easy to follow -
“There’s never going to be a time for this ,” she said. “Right now? This time ? It’s all we have. It’s all we might ever have…”
While it may sound confusing to talk about, it was all very easy to follow. We meet or hear about multiple of the same characters, yet they all stood out whole, original and easily discernible from one another! The same stands for each dimension! I was never once confused.

? I adored the relationships that took place -
We walked a few more feet and I stopped. I didn’t want to venture too far from the motel. “The whole thing is asinine. Why the hell does it even bother me? Why do I care where she ends up?”
Kori smiled , then rose onto her toes and kissed my cheek. “You don’t need me to tell you why. You already know.” - Noah and Kori
While I loved the friendship that Noah and Cade had, and even their interaction with Rabbit (I couldn't help but that guy!), I was intrigued to see what would happen between Noah and Kori. Noah didn't want to get attached to her, since he saw his realms Kori murdered before his eyes. He loved his sister and felt that getting close to this other Kori could tarnish what he had. But he started to notice how different the two Kori's were. And how much he had in common with this one. So it was fun watching Noah struggle with his inner turmoil towards Kori, especially since he had some tender moments with her.
".....Wait until morning to do anything stupid. Agreed?” I held out my hand to her.
She hesitated, but after a moment, took it and offered a small smile. “Agreed.” - Noah and Ash
I loved the path this story took and I loved that there were some surprise characters that I didn't see coming. Especially the group of characters at the end of the book! The next book is going to be so much fun! I'm happy to say that the ending left me in a perfect holding pattern, and I can't wait to see what happens in the final book!

PS There's a scene that involves Noah saying lines.....oh my gosh, I laughed so hard. It was hilariously awful lol! And it also melted my heart too. I loved seeing Noah's fun, flirty side!

PPS If you read Infinity a while back, there's wonderful reminders about what happened sprinkled throughout the beginning of Omega. It flowed nicely with the story, and as someone who just reread the first book, I didn't feel bogged down or bored. This book was just too much fun for that!

**ARC kindly provided by Entangled Teen via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

For more of my , please visit:

arcs bad-boys-i-love insta-not-used ...more12 s Morris964 167

“Omega” is a fun follow-up to “Infinity.” It expands nicely upon the science fiction aspect and adds more depth to the original characters. It also introduced new characters and points-of-view that were entertaining and expanded the universe a great deal. If you enjoyed “Infinity”, then you are most ly going to love “Omega.”

This unbiased review is based upon a complimentary copy provided by the publisher.2017-7 s Hristina523 78

Such an awesome sequel.
Much in Infinity, the characters shine in Omega, but this time they’re dealing with a slightly more complex situation.
I d the shift in focus, it’s always interesting to experience a story from a different character’s POV. In this case there were two new POVs, and at moments it could get repetitive, but it was still fast pace and intriguing throughout, especially to me as a huge romance fan. Accardo’s style is consistent, pleasant to read, and I can’t wait to see what she’ll bring plot-wise in the next one.

4/5 stars

Copy received through NetGalleye-books first-read-arcs from-netgalley ...more7 s Kristin 1,164 172

In the first book we are introduced to the notion that in every world, there's a constant between people. For Cade it was Kori, and for Noah that's Ash. However, Ash was never born on his world, and he's spent every skip to a new world searching for her. Omega is the story of Noah and Ash as they team up together to try to stop not only Dylan but a new enemy on the scene.

Ash lives in a very dystopian world that has some pretty advanced technology. While Infinity is more advanced on her world, the people are treated in a very primitive manner. You see, they have something called tiers. Bottom tiers are the bottom of the barrel as far as society goes, they are looked upon as no more than animals. Then you have the top tier which is your elites. There's also "listed" which means you are a pariah. You could be burning to death right in the middle of the street and no one would even look twice at you. So, to say that Ash's world is one that the characters don't want to spend a lot of time on would be an understatement. However, the cuffs that allow them to jump between dimensions is broken and they've found themselves stranded until they can come up with a way to repair them.

While the first book was focused a lot on the logistics of Infinity and what it all was, Omega throws you right into the action. We hit the ground running with this story and there's not a whole lot of build-up to what's going on. I d that with this one we were always moving forward with the story instead of hashing out every little thing. This is definitely not a series you can jump into without reading in order, even though this book deals with two other main characters. Cade, Kori, and Dylan all play predominate parts in this story. We also meet a some duplicated characters during their skip travels. This story had a whole different tone and feel to it with the dystopian vibe going on. Plus, Dylan wasn't the big-bad-villain in this story. Oh no, someone from Ash's dimension takes that title for this book.

Omega was an enjoyable continuation of the story. I'm glad that this installment focuses on Noah since you didn't really get to see too much of him in the first novel. Plus, I wasn't a huge fan of Cade and Kori's story. Noah is a bit more edgier and a mystery. Not to mention that you knew he had been searching for his "constant" every time they skipped and I was interested to see who she was and whether or not they would jive, since not everyone has the same personality in each dimension. I'm not sure who the next story will be about, but I'm hoping it will be Dylan. Yes, he's a bad guy, but I kind of want to know what makes him tick.5 s Jessica {Litnoob}1,236 97

I can't say much about this as it is the second in a series and I don't want to give any spoilers for book one, BUT a super solid 4.5 stars. It jumps right in on the action and we get to see this other world with complexity and depth. Our heros are still fighting this fight and from page one you are drawn in. It's such a fast paced ride, I can't recommend enough.4 s Shelley5,314 481

*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Young Adult, Science Fiction
*Rating* 3.5

*My Thoughts*

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Omega, by author Jus Accardo, is the second installment in the author's The Infinity Division series. When last we saw our time traveling duo of Noah Anderson, and Cade Granger, they had been joined by Kori Anderson who's father is in charge of the Infinity Division. After coming face to face with the villainous Dylan Granger, who has made it his mission to kill every version of Kori in every world, Kori has no choice but to join Noah and Cade where ever Dylan leads them. They eventually land in a world where criminals are removed and transported to another dimension.


2017-release arc-netgalley young-adult-science-fiction4 s Melissa790 151 Read

Seriously amazing. I loved Infinity, but the romantic, hate to love vibe with a possibility of tragedy in Omega really did it for me. I also loved how we get to see the characters I'd already begun to love AND at the same time got to explore many other dimensions in the infinity world. And that ending - I can't wait to see where the story takes us in Alpha in 2018! 4 s lacy white587 53

A special thank you goes out to Netgalley and Entangled Teen for allowing me to read this eARC early. all thoughts and opinions are my own.

tw: poverty shaming, slut shaming, child abuse

Another excellent book coming from Entangled Teen and the best part is that it didn't suffer from the dreaded second book syndrome. Sure, it was jammed packed with more information, which got to be a bit much but it was still very good. And I found a new favorite character of mine, which I will talk about a little bit later.

One of the best things about this series and this book is the readability. I flew through these pages. I may not have understood some of the more sciencey parts but I still gobbled up the words mad. I honestly could have finished the book in a couple hours if I was completely uninterrupted.

Onto the characters. I adored Ash and she is probably my favorite out of the trilogy so far. Her strength and tenacity to live and keep fighting was astounding. She had been dealt probably the worst deck of life but do you think that kept her down? Absolutely not! She just kept getting back up and kept on fighting. I admired the heck out of that.

I didn't realize just how broken Noah really was. At times, his attitude really grated on my nerves but I just tried to remember he hadn't had the time to officially grieve. But man, there were a few times I just wanted to kick him in the head. The way he treated people he cared about got on my nerves very bad.

I'm still not sold on Dylan being a villian. I'm just finding it difficult to give him any support and find the reasoning behind what he was doing. It's almost he was bad for the sake of being bad. Reminded me a lot of the Darkling. Maybe Dylan will get some sort of redemption arc but honestly, it might be too late for that. (Edit: after writing out this review, I looked to see who would be the POV for the last book and it's Dylan. So yeah...)

One of the coolest things about this book was learning about the different Earths. Some, Ash's world, really sucked (burgers made out of goat meat? bleh!) but others that were mentioned were pretty cool. Learning about the different dimensions was honestly one of my favorite things about this series as a whole.

Overall, this was another fine book. I'm excited to read the conclusion. Hopefully everything works out and I get a happily ever after. But probably not. 2018 4-stars a ...more3 s Danielle'sAuthor 1 book149

Infinity was good but, Omega was even better. The Infinity Division is a series of books, which follow on, and they need to be read in order.

Book one is Kori's Story, and Book two is her brother, Noah's addition. The adventure continues as they try to catch Dylan. This series contains an alternate reality so we meet characters we already know, however, their personalities differ. In Omega, we find Noah's perfect match, Ash but is she his? She had her own Noah, but could our Noah be the right one for her? Or are they another set of passing ships?

This is a continuous series, and although I found the story satisfying, it doesn't have all the answers. More is yet to come, and I look forward to it.

5 stars out of 5.

*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a fair review*arc-books-including-netgalley3 s Kaite ~ my Way By Starlight99 20

Can be read on my blog: https://mywaybystarlight.wordpress.co...

Omega (Infinity Division #2)

Okay, I just want to say that I love novels. I love reading. And I adore interesting ideas. With Omega, my very first Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) I thought I'd hit the jackpot. It was the second in a world, but they said you didn't need the first book, and the summary sounded interesting with multi-dimensions, death, and a revenge plot Omega seemed to be everything you want to discover in a new book.

And here it comes. The big one. BUT.

But it wasn't. First, the summary had said that the storyline follows different characters so you'd be fine to read the stories out of order. Honestly? I don't agree with that in the slightest. I was dropped into a world, where the reader was expected to know the characters, there was very little well thought out introduction. However when there was descriptions, normally long ones given as an inner monologue by the narrating characters, it was a great example of telling instead of showing. This bled through into the action scenes, and most of the story. You were either told what happened or you weren't told enough.

There were many more scenes dedicated to the main couple talking or fighting than it felt there were explaining the action. It didn't stop with the main couple though, the whole book seemed very dialogue heavy and the actions scenes were confusing and wanting.

There were discrepancies, not big enough that it ripped the book apart, but enough that I got confused and several times had to go back and reread a few pages to see if I'd missed something, only to find that I hadn't. There were often too many instances of he and she which made following who we were talking about a bit of a struggle.

What probably did this in completely for me, was I was less than impressed with the characters. There was character growth, if you blink you'll miss it character growth, but it was at least there. However, the book starts off with this insta-love/obsession between two of the characters, which then grows to be 78% of the entire book. The plot line seemed to take a back seat to the relationship playing itself out between the two characters. And it is another story of how two broken people might fix each other, but I wasn't emotionally invested enough in them to feel as if they understand what it is to lose someone close to you, and be broken. Ash should have had me in stitches with her sarcasm, but I didn't even smirk as I read it. And Noah mainly was there to drive me nuts.

Side note on the insta-love; everyone in this little crew was grouped up, which was part of the core of the series so I'll let that lie, even though a story about a set of six young adults in bad relationships still doesn't sit well with me. I will fully admit that I've read relationships I know other people had a problem with, but I had no problems. This book was different. The main couple, Noah keeps telling Ash he's an awful person and she doesn't believe him, but the whole time I was screaming at her. She blew it off because some of the A---hole moves he pulled because, they were moves 'just her best friend who died (the Noah from her dimension)' would have pulled and because of that it was okay.

No. No, no, no. If a guy is treating you shit, a) he's not your best friend and b) if your best friend treated you this and that's why you think it's okay, he shouldn't be your best friend. I understand she was in an awful situation, but acceptance or normalizing being treated awful in any kind of relationship is not something I want to see in our heroines, not unless it's used as a device to show how that should not be tolerated.

The dimension skipping seemed such an interesting idea. The band of characters, if they seemed more dimensional would have been a riot to follow along on their adventures. However I'm left wanting so much more out of this book. Another edit, more fleshed out scenes. Letting the tension between characters build silently while the plotline takes center stage, and using it as leverage for investment into the characters. It was a struggle to get through, but since it was such a fast read I decided to finish it out. I will not be waiting for the sequel, or going back to the previous installation in this series. I have heard Infinity was better, and it tells the story of Kori which I think would be much more interesting.

Book: 2 stars

I'll be generous as I think it could get better and it's still an ARC.

Shouting out my thanks to NetGalley, Jus Accardo, and Entangled publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. arc sci-fi3 s Mady DeJulioAuthor 1 book21

This sequel has a totally different shift of focus from "Infinity" since it follows a different character's point of view. But I still d how it turned out.

I'd consider this book kind of as a separate story from the first. This time, it follows Kori's brother Noah as he tries and successfully finds this girl he's always found in other dimensions, Ash. In this world, there's a project called Omega which both Ash and Noah are trying to find more about.

The plot was slow in the beginning for me. I think it was because I had to get used to another point of view since we followed Kori in the first book. In this one, the chapters are dual perspective between Noah and Ash. The plot did pick up in the second half of the book which was great and I ended up loving Noah and Ash by then and enjoyed their different perspectives. One thing that I found frustrating was that the plot was very vague. It made me feel I had missed something. And that's because the characters don't exactly know what Omega is until the end of the book. So it always left me kind of confused but I think it was in a good way because it added to the mystery of it.

I don't feel Kori and Cade went through a lot of development which doesn't surprise me because they're not the main focus in this sequel. But I loved seeing Noah's character grow. I've always thought he was a funny character but he can also be brooding and dark. And I loved Ash a lot. I enjoyed her chapters and her backstory that is pretty sad. We find out more deeper things about her towards the end of the book that is just heartbreaking.

As I said in my review for the first book, this series is heavily filled with romance even though it's a sci-fi series. Which, being a romance fanatic, I loved! This time we follow less of Kori and Cade and more of Noah and Ash. Their relationship starts off kind of Insta lovey but for good reason because the two already know each other. Ash was sort of involved with the Noah in her dimension and Noah has come across all Ash's from other dimensions. That being said, I didn't get too much of an Insta love vibe. And even so, these two characters have a deeper connection throughout the book that I loved seeing.

I didn't love this book as much as the first one but I still enjoyed it. I the direction it took. And I'm happy to find out we're getting a third book because that cliffhanger....!!!2018-rereads best-of-2017 fall-2017-tbr ...more3 s books are love3,134 23

Noah is still full of anger but he is also showing us his caring side in this book as he fights to keep Ash alive while trying to fight his feelings. Ash shows us how strong and stubborn she is. As these two unravel the truth about Omega, we see them try to fight their feelings and fail. We see how evil Noah’s mom is in this this universe. We see great world building and build up to the action. We see evil in all forms and love and attraction win in the end between Noah and Ash.

this was trippy. We see the side of some characters that show how twisted the other earths may be. One where the mafia is the government. This is Ash and Noah's story. We see them find one another and Noah try to push her away. Only he can't and they are in a race to keep her alive and safe. They are also finding out more about Infinity and Omega. And what we find out is really a jawdropper. The characters in this series don't get an easy path to be together and this path is intriguing, dangerous but utterly delectable to read for you are brought into a world that has been built wonderfully and sucked into what is happening while trying to stop someone who lost it when he lost everything all the while seeing the new dangers ahead. 2 s Sharon597 3

Although a sequel, Omega stands on its own as a time dimension thriller with snarky hot characters and a insane plot line. What can I say but that I snark and hot guys?

In the sequel to Infinity, Noah meets up with Ash Calvert in her world where class distinction puts her on the bottom rung of society.

This time, Noah tries to ignore their attraction for each other as he, his sister Kori and his best friend Cade search for Dylan, the guy who kills Kori in every dimension unless he can be stopped.

Ash's world is pretty effed up, and when she's accused of murder, Noah and friends are compelled to help her to discover some evil plot by her foster parents that involve mind swiping, world jumping, and millions of dollars.

Of course the twists and turns make for an engaging ride through time, though it seems the lesson learned is that greed always exists in every dimension. Looking forward to the third book which may not even be the end!
2 s Stephanie Bain207 49

*i was sent this book for free in exchange for an honest review*

I really enjoyed the sequel. It had many unexpected twist and turns! Yes it is heavy on romance but im living for it. This is a unique series with characters I enjoy a whole lot! 2 s Kariny 256 17

Noah used to be Cade's best friend in his dimension and after his sister, Kori, died, he's been skipping through dimensions hell bent on revenge. In every dimension he's managed to fight the pull he felt towards each of the Ash's but in this dimension, this Ash is different. There's more then just attraction  and off the charts chemistry-there's an actual connection!

We did see quite a few characters from book 1 but I have to admit I loved this book much more! OMG the chemistry between Noah and Ash JUST WOW!

I also felt that the interactions in the book had much more depth in the first book. In book 1 we had Cade falling in love with Kori after his Kori died in another dimension but in Book 2, we had the same situation but in a brotherly aspect and that's why I loved Noah's character so much! After his sister's death (Dead Kori-the one who Cade loved before-i know it's confusing :3) Noah is completely broken and when he meets Kori (the living one) you could see how tormented he was because he was trying so hard not to get close to her in case she died all the other Koris'. But then he starts to feel that brotherly connection with her and slowly slowly he starts to hesitantly get close to her and OMG MY HEART!

I really really d Noah in Book 1 but I friggin LOVED HIM in this book! He's just hilarious, and hot and awesome and-UGH HE'S EVERYTHING!

"Cade joked that the universe didn't need two of me, and he was right. When it came to perfection, obviously two wasn't nearly enough."

Ash was feisty feisty!! I think I actually d her more than Kori! Ash had her own Noah but after he mysteriously dies and she's blamed for the murder she meets Noah, but could he be her match?

I can't wait to read the third instalment in this series! Great characters, great world building and amazing plot twists! 
2017-challenge arcs1 Jackie636 40

Not a huge improvement but it was a lot easier to get into this book than it was the first which is a win in its own right.

“Omega” is told in duel narratives shifting the focus from Kori to Noah and Ash who have been circling each other through many of the skips but this time find their paths crossing in far more serious ways. When the hunt for Dylan is outmatched by this new worlds version of Cora the group must band together to put an end to her experiments and stop her plans to sell different versions of people off to the highest bidder.

I definitely d the alternating point of views and thankfully both characters were likable making the back and forth easy to get into there’s still that weird romance thing where they’ve had flings or genuine moments with other versions that makes it feel a bit weird to me but I feel that’s the general theme of this series so I have to just move past it.

It was also nice to see an expansion of the alternate worlds outside of the few snapshots we’ve been given and I especially enjoyed the twisted version of Cora who cared more about making a fortune off her tech rather than her own children or anyone else’s for that matter which is a huge departure from the other versions we’ve been told about through Kori and Noah.

All in all I feel this leans too heavily into the bare bones plot of multiple dimensions because a lot of this seemed a rehashing of main elements in book one making it a bit of a drag so we’ll see where ‘Alpha’ takes us.2018-reads sci-fi1 Kim97

In this riveting sequel to Jus Accardo's Infinity, Noah, his best friend Cade and sister from another world, Kori, continue their quest via inter-dimensional travel to find Dylan and put an end to his killing spree.

Omega kicks off with a shootout and the action never stops. In addition to searching for their nemesis Dylan, Noah is also trying to find Ashlyn Calvert. She is a constant - someone or something that's the same in multiple universes. In every world they skip to, Noah sees himself together with her. But, as far as he knows, Ash does not exist on his own Earth, so she becomes almost an obsession for him.

Omega is a thrilling continuation of the narrative started in Infinity. It's written from the POVs of Noah and Ash. I enjoyed getting to know more about them, especially Noah. He is funny, stubborn and loyal to the core. The introduction of Ash, who was only mentioned briefly in the previous book, is a welcome addition to the development of the story.

I was fascinated by Accardo's cultural depictions of the worlds and how they differed. On one of them, cats are extinct! I can't even imagine. I wouldn't mind living on the meatless world, though. I was particularly intrigued by the characters' alternative versions of themselves on the various Earths and the contrasts or similarities between them.

If you read Infinity and are interested in parallel worlds, lots of adventure and a bit of romance, I recommend Omega. I'm very much anticipating the third book in the Infinity Division series!

Thank you to Entangled: Teen for the eBook copy to review.
1 Christine (allthingschristine)87 10

Disclaimer: I was provided an e-galley copy of this book by the publisher for review purposes. They in no way influenced my review and all opinions are my own. There are spoilers for the book in this review; you have been warned.

Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

I loved the first book in the Infinity division series. I don't read much science fiction and i read it to start to branch out of my niche of books and fell in love. Noah was a surprise for me in the first book, I didn't think I would his character but upon further reading I quickly became enamoured of him. So when I learned that the next book in this series was going to be all about him I was super excited to read it. So I had quite high expectations going into this book and while I wasn't disappointed in any way it didn't really exceed them either. I just felt that this book was too formulaic, a variation on a theme. It was extremely similar to the first book; boy meets girl, they argue how they can't be together, they try to save each other and end up going together on an adventure. It was slightly different in that Ash is part of the bigger picture and that they have very different personalities than Kori and Cade. But it just felt to me that i had already read this story.

Since we don't really get Noah's point of view in the first book I was looking forward to getting to be able to dive into his character a little more in this book. I was slightly disappointed though. I always thought in the first book that Cade was the overly dramatic one and Noah was the grounded one though he has his issues as well. But Noah was certainly more dramatic in this book than I thought he would be. I was expecting more sarcasm and lightheartedness but his relationship and they way he acted in this book was actually quite dark and serious. It was also interesting to see his mind go from pure revenge for his sister to protecting Ashlyn from harm and seeing him have to make hard decisions between the two goals.

Ashlyn Calvert is a new character and Noah's constant throughout the different dimensions. I didn't really feel a connection to her the same way I did with Kori in the first book. I her well enough, she's got spunk, she's brave, she's smart, and she's realistic.But I just never felt fully invested in her and while i was interested in her storyline, it wasn't I had to know what was going to happen to her. She is a great character though and I think she makes an interesting addition to the team. She's also unique in that she's from a different dimension and doesn't know her own past. She's central to the Omega project, and I wonder how much of what she's forgotten in her past will be important in the future. I was also really surprised, I didn't think they were going to get to her home dimension that fast. And I certainly didn't think it was going to be for a quick visit it was. I expected Cora and her team to go after Ash's family in her home dimension and that it was going to have to be a big rescue effort by the team and that she was going to get to meet the family that she was stolen from. None of that happened though and we barely even got to see the dimension she is from.

Ava/Sera and G are also new additions towards the end of the book and I still don't know how to feel about them. They were kind of weird and I don't know what to make of them, are they only there for themselves or are they going to help the team? What dimension are they from and what impact will that have in the future? They remember nothing from their past so what kind of people were they? They have been through a lot already but at this point they seem to be just along for the ride and are ready to call it quits with everybody. I am excited to explore the possibilities for them while I am wary of them at the same time.

I was really disappointed that there wasn't much Noah and Kori interaction in this book. My absolute favourite thing about the first book was the sibling dynamic between the two and I really thought I was going to get to see a lot more of it in this book but I was woefully wrong. There was a bit, but it was very much focused on Ashlyn and Kori as well as Cade were more side characters that made an appearance once in awhile. There was the scene where they were arguing about how many times Noah has landed Kori in jail in the different dimensions that made me laugh and smile and I had to settle for that. Hopefully I can see more of it in the next book of the series.

I really d how the dimension they were in was more technologically advanced than any other they had been to, including their own. I find it slightly hard to believe that if their Infinity and Omega programs have been up and running for this long that Cade and Noah are only just running into them now. This dimension really opened up the broader story to making it more than just a revenge story and arched out to now saving the multiverse which really excites me. I do think that we've kind of left to the side the revenge story for now, but while it might be losing out on being the main focus it is certainly there in the background. I only hope that they can save the multiverse and get their justice with Dylan in the end.

I do not think we are quite done with this dimension, its' Cora or the Omega program. It is quite interesting to see that an alternate dimension version of their own mother is the Big Bad. Someone they love and trust is out to get them and the ones they care about. I think this is going to be part of the bigger picture as they chase Ava and Dylan but also have to battle the Omega program across multiple dimensions. Hopefully since the team has now been brought together from different dimensions they will be able to thwart whatever issues would normally destroy them. I can't wait to see if the Omega program does get launched, what the repercussions of it would be and how the team deals with it all while chasing Ava and Dylan.

This book, while a great addition to the Infinity Division series just didn't quite hook me as much as the first book had. Now that the team is mostly together though it will be interesting to see how the series progresses from here on out. I would also to thank Entangled Teen for providing me with a copy of the book.
anticipated-2017-reads1 mith829 274

you can find this review and others over on my blog!
the first book, I am torn about this follow up. On the one hand, I d the two main characters, Noah and Ashlyn. On the other, it had the same downfall Infinity had, which was its romance.

Omega is told through two perspectives, which is new from Infinity. While it may seem a companion novel, it isn’t, so if you’re interested in the series, definitely start with Infinity first. Omega does have its own plot that’s seemingly different than what Infinity was about, but there’s backstory there which you might miss or be confused about if you jump into Omega.

So! That being said, consider it some unwarranted advice, hah.

Anyway, I said, I d the main characters… but only to an extent. In the very beginning, they were both fresh, new, snarky voices, and I admired them. Ash was strong and capable and she didn’t let anyone walk over her, despite her standing in her messed up world. She was fierce and she fought back and I admired her tenacity. Noah, on the other hand, was still the lowkey jerk from book one, and being in his head was fun because he was a pretty funny and sassy character.

It went this for most of the book… until the romance kicked in.

The romance was the part that bugged me the entire time back when I read Infinity. It was confusing and messy and strange, much it is here. In Omega, Ash’s Noah has died, and for most of the book, Ash is pointing out how different her Noah is from this new Noah. I got it the first time and by the fiftieth—I’m not even sure if I’m exaggerating or not at this point—it was beyond tiresome. It was something that was obvious to me, too, now that I think about it. They might essentially be the same person on different earths, but that doesn’t mean that they’re identical and while I do believe Ash knew that, she still continued to make the comparison.

Same goes for Noah. Every time he went onto a new Earth, he’d search for Ashlyn and “get her out of his system”. Only this time, it was different. She wasn’t the other Ashlyns he’d met—of course she wasn’t! It was said over and over and it was so annoying.

These books are by no means “light” and I d that, for the most part, but since they do focus somewhat heavily on the feelings part, it tends to overshadow what else was happening. I say this because I d the plot here; I d where it was leading—there was definitely a high stakes thing going on, but eventually it got lost on me.

There were some golden moments in the book, when Kori, Cade, and Noah are reminiscing about memories on different worlds. I wished there was more of that, more of Kori and Noah bonding—there’s only really one scene—more of Cade and Noah being the best buds they’re supposed to be. But there wasn’t that group camaraderie, sadly, which was a bit disheartening.

Overall, the book was fine. I… sort of d it, but it isn’t something that’s going to stick with me, so yeah. 3 stars!arcs companion half-star ...more1 Christy1,505 285

Having read (and loved) Infinity last year, I was so hyped for Omega. All of the things I loved then - the characters, their chemistry, inter-dimensional travel, edge of your seat action - return in full force in Omega.

All the versions of us have this crazy connection. He wasn’t in love with me—I was never in love with him—but it’s we couldn’t help ourselves. That’s why he was so vehemently against anything ever happening between us. We were drawn to each other— we are. But you didn’t have an Ashlyn where you come from, and I had a Noah. He might not have been my perfect Noah, but he was all I got and for as long as I live, I will be thankful for him. Your perfect Ash might be out there somewhere. If you don’t let me help you get your friends back, you’ll never have the chance to find her.

Told in multiple points of view, Omega tells the story of Ashlyn and Noah while keeping Kori and Cade as secondary characters to the next phase in the Infinity series. Jus pulls back the layers on the onion as the story unveils itself, going deeper and deeper into how truly evil the creator of the Infinity project is.

If I said good point, then I was a heartless bastard willing to sacrifice an innocent girl to save his friends—and a liar. If I spoke the truth, that I would rather hack each of my toes off with a machete then tap dance through a vat of salt before letting her hand herself over to those bastards, then I was insane. One of those freaks who believed in love at first sight. Which I wasn’t. I was…what the hell was I?

I have to admit, the whole time I was reading, I felt a massive case of whiplash. There was so much going on all the time and I was constantly shocked by how deep some of the history of the project goes. The sci-fi elements work in tandem with the slow burn romance. Jus is a master at the zingers - sentences or short passages that leave you breathless. Again, if you love sci-fi books with character chemistry, I highly recommend this series!1 Dorien9

This book is very different from Infinity in that Kori and Cade are no longer main characters. Omega focuses on Noah and Ash and switches between their perspectives to tell the story. It takes place in a new dimension with a complex society, so there’s a lot of new information to process during the first half of the book. It felt more as a spinoff than a sequel because there’s a new setting, new characters and a new villain, instead of really picking up where Infinity left off. The story is good, though Noah and Ash’s relationship is rather predictable. I enjoyed reading it, but didn’t it as much as the first book of the series because I wanted to read more about Kori and Cade's story.1 Melissa Jacobson876 135

Actual Rating 4.5

This was so fast paced and addictive and it followed my favorite character from the first book so clearly I had a great time. Noah is such an angsty trash bag and I love everything about him. And Ash is such a strong-willed fire cracker and their dynamic in this book was golden. I can't wait till the third book is released because I need to know how this trilogy ends!

Booktalk video - https://youtu.be/uZmeF_Zf2XEaction drool-worthy-cover dystopian ...more1 Rachel (The Rest Is Still Unwritten)1,601 210

Thank you to YA Reads Blog Tours and author Jus Accardo for providing me with a copy of this in exchange for an honest review!

Find this review and more on my blog The Rest Is Still Unwritten!

Omega is the second novel in The Infinity Division series by Jus Accardo and is another action packed, romantic and thrilling tale of inter-dimensional travel, danger and excitement that is even better than the first book in the series.

Ashlyn Calvert lives in a world where your nominated tier impacts on almost everything in your life; how you’re seen, how you’re treated, what opportunities you have…everything. And coming from the lowest of tiers means Ash has known nothing but cruelty and ridicule…except from her best friend Noah Anderson. He alone treated her with kindness and friendship, until a bad decision led to his death. Now Ash lives with her guilt and despair over his loss, sure she’ll never move on. Yet with the Infinity division in full force there’s another version of Noah out there, who alongside his best friend Cade is determined to stop the man to killed his sister. When Ash and this new version of Noah meet, sparks fly and the two can’t deny there’s something simmering between them, but with a new project of Infinity’s lurking in the shadows and threatening both Ash’s universe and Noah’s alternate one, will they be able to protect those they care about? Or will finding the truth cost them the ultimate price?

Picking up where the first novel Infinity left off, Omega is as thrilling and exciting as its predecessor. If not more so. And in all honesty I think I enjoyed it even more than the first novel, proving that this series is just getting better with every instalment. While Infinity unfolded through Kori and Cade’s POV’s, this time Noah is front and centre in Omega, alongside newly introduced character Ashlyn who is the focus of Noah’s secret obsession and someone he keeps searching for regardless of which reality he and Cade have found themselves in.

Throughout Omega, Noah comes across as a jerk upon occasion and does a good job trying to keep people out, but he honestly adores those in his life and it’s the loss he’s experienced that see him lash out with cruel words and actions to repel people. While Ash has experienced so much cruelty and has been looked down upon, but she’s still strong enough to pick herself up each time and continue on. You have to love a girl who doesn’t let the world push her down!

I really enjoyed both Noah and Ashlyn as characters. They both had such fire and attitude and a lot of personality. Jus Accardo writes them with so much chemistry and electricity. There’s such a great spark of attraction between them and the way they push and pull at each other makes for some fantastic banter and some great reading. These two have a thrilling relationship and I was stoked with the way in which Accardo developed their relationship.

Jus Accardo also introduces readers to some new characters in Omega that I’m just sure we’ll be seeing more of. There’s a new villain—possibly even more of a threat and danger than Dylan and some new friends with intriguing histories. I’m almost one hundred percent certain that newcomers G and Sera will feature as our next couple in the next novel and considering who they are, I’m super excited about the prospect of learning more about them and possibly following their romance in book three!

Fast paced, riveting and action packed reading, Omega is a fantastic sequel that is guaranteed to leave you not only hopelessly in love with Noah and Ashlyn, but desperately needing more of this sensational sci-fi series. Shaping up better with the turn of each page, I can’t wait to see what Jus Accardo does with the Infinity Division series next!e-book read-in-2017 reviewed-during-blog-tours Poulami346 39

Originally posted on Daydreaming Books.

*I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I usually forget most details about a first book in a series till the 2nd one comes out but for this series, I remember pretty much everything. And the first one, this book didn't disappoint and I had a hard time putting this book down. You can read my review of book 1: Infinity, here.

After the incident which left Kori's cuff linked to Dylan, Cade and Noah join the ride to catch Dylan who won't stop killing every Kori he finds in every dimension and gets his revenge and won't stop until he finds Ava. They need to find her before he does. During these journeys, Noah has noticed one thing, in every dimension, he is with someone named Ash and when they get stuck on a particular one, the Ash from that planet is something else, their chemistry is explosive from the very start and getting involved with someone means inviting more danger but when they learn about a mysterious project known as Omega, things are about to get more tricky for them.

The first book in this series, Infinity was narrated from Cade and Kori's perspective but this book is narrated from Noah, Kori's brother and from Ash's perspective which was a refreshing change though I loved Cade And Kori! Cade, Kori and Noah have only one target in mind, that is to catch Dylan before he kills more Koris but he can't shake off the fact that one girl is his constant in every dimension. The plot was interesting from the very start. One thing or the other kept happening due to which I wasn't bored for even a second. More characters are introduced in this book and my main curiosity was about the mysterious project Omega. And when we finally get to know the truth about Omega, it blew my mind! I mean seriously, the Cora of the dimension was seriously so evil and mean but I couldn't believe she could get down to that level!

I loved to see the whole gang present in this book. Although I definitely wanted more of Cade and Kori, I wasn't complaining because the chemistry between Noah and Ash was undeniable! Whatever little moments they shared, their chemistry was crystal clear. I wanted moooore of them but the situations they got into were highly unsuitable for romance so yeah, I understand. Ash was blamed for killing this dimension's Noah when actually that wasn't the case and of course, Omega had to be involved. I definitely enjoyed the mysterious aspect of this book and it was maintained well throughout the book.

Overall, Omega was a great read! The plot was pretty enjoyable and executed neatly. The characters were fun and witty and I loved reading about them. I especially loved the romance between Noah and Ash. The writing was smooth and easy to read and it was fast paced. After how everything ended in this book, I sooo can't wait to see what happens next!

Recommend it?

romance sci-fi young-adult Olivia3,243 91

“Omega” is a really fantastic continuation of the Infinity series- even better than the first book! Here, we switch focus to Noah, who we knew from the first book, and Ash, who we are meeting on a new world. Noah and Ash are to each other what Cade and Kori are- they often seem to end up together on other worlds. We get alternating perspectives in this one, and I really think it helps to tell their story well/thoroughly. Ash’s world took a detour from ours when Al Capone became president and instituted a harsh social hierarchy thoroughly soaked with corruption. Ash is from the lowest social class but interacted with the upper class because she was temporarily adopted by Noah and Corey (here, Kori is a male)’s family at 10 years old- of course, this kindness has an expiration date. When she is 18, she will be returned to the lowest class.

Ash’s world was turned upside down when Noah died (presumably suicide- as a heads up to people who might be wary of this content) and she was blamed for it (his suicide note blames her), sentence to a life of slavery as a “Listed.” We learn all of this pretty quickly/early in the book so I’m not counting it as a spoiler. It gets even stranger when Dylan shows up and kills Corey in front of her- and then she meets Noah (the one from the first book who is still chasing down Dylan). We observe tidbits of Cade and Kori, but they really take a backseat in this book as we follow Noah and Ash. There’s a lot going on in this world, and it was really fascinating and yet easy to follow- whereas I felt the first book was confusing from the start and only after we got more information could I follow the first chapters, this sequel was really easy to follow and I was wrapped up in it immediately.

While I think Cade and Kori’s story was not yet complete and was hoping to continue with those two, I really enjoyed Noah and Ash’s perspectives and found this book absolutely enthralling. The alternate world in which this book takes place was really interesting and the tidbits we hear about other worlds was also fascinating- it’s quite a clever series, and I am really enjoying it. I still love the overarching theme of the series that certain people are meant to be (quite a romantic view of it all), and it was delightful to see it played out with some new characters. I also really enjoy the sci-fi elements, playing with the alternate realities and the technology that makes it possible (as well as its abuse/repurposing).

I have high hopes for the next in the series, and would love to see more of Kori/Cade as well as Noah/Ash- I hope we won’t be done with their stories. Really the only thing I would have changed about this book was to add in some more Kori/Cade, but I still really enjoyed it regardless. The next book can’t come soon enough!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.netgalley- Sonja932 21

I really d how this book was told in duel point of views by Noah and Ashlyn. I always think you get so much more out of a story that way. I probably enjoyed this one a bit more than the last one too because it was Noah's story. I really that guy; he always makes me laugh and I just love his personality. It's even more fun because him and Kori are so a.

I said, I love Noah. Getting to know how he thinks and why he acts the way he does was great. I was also a little surprised at the extra grief he has been carrying around about his sister's death and his part in it. He feels he has good reason to blame himself for what happened to her, and who can really blame him? He certainly has a lot of anger issues to work thru, but beneath it all he's just a good guy.

Ashlyn was a pretty good match for Noah. She has had a very hard life but has always tried to make the best of things. In a world of undisguised hatred toward her, her world's Noah had become her best friend and the only positive thing. All her smarts and spunk matter little though when he dies and she's the one being blamed.

So Noah, Cade and Kori have been chasing after Dylan for a while now each time he jumps. When they come to this Earth, though, their cuffs stop working. And there's only one person who can help. This world's Rabbit is not a lot their Rabbit, but he can fix their problem and get them gone. The only issue? He needs the main cuff for it. By this point, Ashlyn has already gotten herself in the middle of things when Dylan kills that world's Kori right in front of her...and she gets blamed for that too. So she stays with them in order to help. But she also wants be able to prove her Noah was murdered and that it was because of what he found while digging into what his parents were doing. It all comes down to this Omega project and what it is. Which, when we find out, isn't actually all that big of a stretch. Yes, it's very bad. But I can see how people would think of this as the next step and want it.

They were so close ending it all all, but nothing ever seems to go right for them at all in this book. Noah and Kori's parents in this world are truly terrible people and it always seems they manage to come out ahead. Even right until the end. Dylan has found another Ava and he's determined to keep this one and make her love him. But he's not the only Dylan that wants her which could be interesting. Some good did come out of this jump, but they're no closer to catching Dylan than they were before.

Much I said with the first book, Dylan really does seem to this Kori. It really seems as if he wouldn't mind this one to stay alive too which I'm really liking. It makes it that much more fun.

I'm definitely curious enough to check out the next book.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.netgalley Up All Night With Books1,157 40

5 Stars
Review by Sasha
Late Night Reviewer
Up All Night w/ Books Blog

The gang is back in book two of The Infinity Division, Omega by Jus Accardo!

Kori’s life is safe for the time being as she heads out with Noah and Cade on another manhunt to find Dylan. With his last plan failing, Dylan is even more determined to get away from his brother Cade and find another version of his longtime love, Ava.

This time the novel is centered around Noah, Kori’s brother from another world. He’s the rougher version of Kori and isn’t afraid to speak his mind, even though he might offend people. As they world hop looking for Dylan, Noah has one other person that he always is pulled towards. Just as Kori and Cade always seem to find each other on different earths, and despite Noah not believing in true love, he can’t fight the feeling that Ashlyn or Ash is someone important to him.

Ash isn't exactly living the high life here on this earth. She’s part of the lower class of society, and the only reason she’s managed to stay out of trouble is because of the generosity of the Andersons. Not that Ash would exactly call them generous considering that Cora despises but tolerates her due to her son’s liking towards her. When suddenly her sons both die and Ash is somehow connected to both deaths, Cora’s favor is lost. In an escape attempt, Ash and Noah’s worlds collide. It’s not the perfect romantic movie moment that might be expected. Instead, Ash is shocked by this new Noah and can’t seem to wrap her head around it. As they work together to solve the mysteries that Cora Anderson is hiding, they learn more and more about each other and find it harder to fight the feelings they have.

Omega is another read that I would give 5 out of 5 stars. The plotline is compelling for a sequel and keeps you invested the whole way through. The introduction of a new character and new point of view allows to understand how other people get affected by the possibility of multiple worlds and Noah, Kori and Cade’s world hopping. With solid cliffhangers at the end, Accardo keeps you wanting more with each page and anxiously awaiting the final book.

**Copy provided for honest review** Erika Maki1,105 24

I really loved this book. I was surprised we were following the points of view of different characters. This story is told from Noah's and Ash's perspectives. Noah is Kori's brother from a different world and Cade's best friend. Ash is Noah's constant, the person he always seems drawn to in every world. I love the chemistry between Noah and Ash in this book. They are fire and ice, but they somehow compliment each other. He's an asshole who doesn't always say the right thing, but he has a kind heart. Ash is a headstrong fighter. She's had no choice to be one because of the world she lives in. Ash lives in a world that has a corrupted tier system and Ash is a bottom tier individual. She's lived her life barely surviving until she was taken in as a foster kid by the Andersons. Unfortunately, her foster mother has treated poorly and has made her life a living hell.

I d Ash as a character. She intrigued from the very beginning. The plot takes place where the previous book left off, but the story has become even more complicated with the introduction of Ash and her world. The characters are still trying to stop Dylan from killing people, but the world and story expands when the characters disc
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