
Sola con Mr. Darcy de Abigail Reynolds

de Abigail Reynolds - Género: Italian
libro gratis Sola con Mr. Darcy


Elizabeth Bennet non può immaginare qualcosa peggiore dell' essere bloccata da una bufera di neve in un piccolo cottage con l'orgoglioso e sgradevole Mr. Darcy. Ma essere intrappolata per giorni - e notti - con un Mr. Darcy ferito e confuso che continua a dire le cose più bizzarre su di lei, è anche peggio. Perlomeno possiede l'utile dote di saper accendere un fuoco per evitare che muoiano di freddo. Ma quando la avvolge tra le sue braccia, lei scopre che il camino non è l'unico posto in cui lui sappia accendere un fuoco. E la piccola gattina mezza congelata che lui ha trovato nella catasta di legna non si sta dimostrando essere una grande accompagnatrice.
Lei non crede affatto alla promessa fattale da lui di sposarla nel caso in cui qualcuno scopra che hanno trascorso due notti insieme da soli, soprattutto dopo aver appreso che lui in passato è stato tradito da un'altra donna, Quando i suoi peggiori timori si realizzano e la sua reputazione è distrutta, non è sorpresa di scoprire che Mr. Darcy è svanito nel nulla, non lasciandole altra scelta se non quella di trovare un marito non appena possibile prima che la sua famiglia sia rovinata. Un qualsiasi marito, non importa quanto lei non lo gradisca. Sebbene non riesca a dimenticare Mr. Darcy...

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Written November 29, 2015

3.7 Stars - Delightful meeting with dear Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth once again ... for true admirers

A audiobook gamble on an impulse, a Pride and Prejudice retell novel — 9:37 hrs narrated by Elizabeth Klett. I've only read one P&P retelling and it was years ago (the original story told in Mr. D's point of view) but I've read and watched the films based on the original old book (publ. 1813) many times. This is a story I know every little detail from. - A retelling is a threat.

A very pleasant listening !!
My all-time favorite romantic classic novel by Jane Austen in a new shape with a new storyplot twist. As I guessed was this also a more up-dated 201x steamy romance version (with a kiss and mention of more at least).


We are back the winter after the famous 'Netherfield ball' but before the spring Easter time when our heroine Elizabeth Bennet visited her friend in the clergyman residence at 'Rosing Park'.

« Elizabeth Bennet can’t imagine anything worse than being stranded by a blizzard in a tiny cottage with proud and unpleasant Mr. Darcy. »

It is a snowstorm and it is the very day her friend Ms. Lucas is marrying Lizzy's silly stiff cousin Mr. Collins. Struggling in the heavy snowfall is Lizzy on her way home to Longbourn (..by walk! Haha, we at once recognize this stubborn young miss.) when she stumbles upon an old acquaintance.

Jeez, what is her former antagonist, the infamous and hefty Mr. (Fitzwilliam) Darcy doing here in the middle of the winter in Hertfordshire? Lying there in the snow...
“I should not let you kiss me, but I should let you hold me? Tell me, do men always make this little sense when it comes to these matters?” To her relief, he chuckled.
“Yes. We make no sense at all when it comes to women.”
“Well, that relieves my mind,” she said with mock tartness. “I would hate to think you would make sense.”
The very man she never thought she would meet again. And here he is without his horse, covered by snow and slightly woozy with a head wound. And a memory lack. (!!!) — Help and a shelter is needed.

‘Why was she not jumping up and running away?
If she told him to stop, he would do so; her instincts told her as much. But her words were frozen in her throat as he drew nearer. Then her eyelids slid down as his lips moved gently against hers, a spot of warmth in an icy world.
Her insides fluttered at the sensation. What was wrong with her?’

I LOVE, Love, love our classic lovebirds
...So very very much. It's hard to resist them, and all those well-known second characters, even if Alone with Mr. Darcy isn't near as great as the "real" one you must read, Pride and Prejudice. Nevertheless a nicely done and presented retelling of an unforgettable romance. Applauses to a very nice and pleasurable narration as well.


I LIKE - adorable, gorgeous old Mr. Darcy ... foreverbooks-i-read-2015 romance-m-f-audio romance-m-f-historical25 s Les2,911 2

Oh I just loved this P&P What if that imagines that Darcy has man watching Wickham and when he learns that Wickham is romancing Miss Elizabeth he hurries off to Meryton to tell Lizzy & Mr. Bennet what a dastard Wickham is. Alas he chooses a day where a massive snow storm hits Hertfordshire and he ends up stranded in a terrible cottage with Miss Elizabeth.

Lizzy ends up there because it was the day of Charlotte's wedding to Mr. Collins and Lizzy is saddened by Charlotte marrying the moron and inviting her in public to visit her in Kent. So she is already wet and cold when she finds Mr. Darcy unconscious in the snow having been thrown from his horse.

She and Darcy end up riding out the storm in the tenant cottage. He repeatedly offers to marry her and she repeatedly refuses. When the storm abates Lizzy returns home to find her entire family had been away too. She can't keep her disappearance a secret and is headed toward ruin.

There are many minor changes to P&P canon, such as Georgiana being his half sister. There is a lot of angst in this book YOU WILL HATE MR. BENNET HATE HIM There is sexual violence against a minor character and the death of an important character.austenesque ppown purchased23 s Meredith (Austenesque Reviews)960 323

What If Saving Mr. Darcy’s Life Ruined Your Reputation?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Pride and Prejudice Variation

TIME FRAME: Several weeks after the Netherfield Ball

SYNOPSIS: While walking home from Charlotte’s wedding Lizzy finds Mr. Darcy fallen from his horse and injured, just as a snow blizzard is beginning. They seek shelter from the storm in an empty tenant’s cottage and are trapped there for two days. Darcy knows Elizabeth is compromised by their being alone together for two days and nights and happily offers marriage to protect her reputation but also secure his heart’s secret desire, but Elizabeth is convinced no one will find out they were alone together, and she doesn’t want Darcy to sacrifice himself just because he feels honor-bound to do so…


- Completely Infatuated: Darcy’s feelings for Elizabeth, this describes my feelings for anything written by Abigail Reynolds. Her style of writing always has me enraptured and I always have the hardest time tearing myself away from her stories! I love when a book has this kind of effect on me, and I love that after 8+ years and a dozen books later, I’m still completely infatuated with Abigail Reynolds’s writing!

- Forced Confinement: Alone with Mr. Darcy for two days? Yes, please! I love scenarios this! I love how the rules of propriety bend, the candidness and freedom to confront issues, and share new intimacies or confidences. I found the premise for this variation to be plausible and I really enjoyed seeing how it all played out – especially with the added conflict of needing food and needing to keep warm…

- Crewe: Darcy’s valet in this story is awesome! I love that he has opinions about Darcy’s life and that he isn’t afraid to speak his mind (or act in Darcy’s best interest!). His exchanges with Darcy were hilarious and for some reason I kept picturing him as Michael Ian Black with his dry delivery, fastidiousness, and sarcasm.

- Snowball: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love cute animals or kids with Mr. Darcy! Seeing Mr. Darcy’s interactions with Snowball melted my heart and Snowball…a.k.a. Snowdrop was a lovely addition to the story! But seriously, Abigail… did we really need another reason to fall in love with Mr. Darcy?!?

- Co-Conspirators: As per their usual, Darcy and Elizabeth are separated by their misunderstandings and mistaken assumptions. It was interesting to see some different characters be the impetus that help Darcy and Elizabeth get ogether. Of course Colonel Fitzwilliam is often one who is in this position of plotting and manipulating, but I was pleasantly surprised by his two cohorts in these endeavors!


- Small Quibbles: Just a few small points in the story left me a little unsatisfied. the treatment of Maria Lucas (not talking about what happened to her – although that was horrible – it was also realistic), but I felt the reaction of everyone and the overall treatment of such a situation was a little too light and casual. Even though it is a dark subject, I think more time was needed before moving on to a new scene. I also thought Colonel Fitzwilliam’s PTSD seemed brushed aside quite rapidly when it was first introduced as a serious and alarming situation. But neither quibble marred my enjoyment of this story.

NOTE: This novel does not contain mature sex scenes, although some mentions of intimacies and amorous scenes are made. Recommended for audiences over the age of 14.


In her latest Pride and Prejudice variation the ever-creative and talented Abigail Reynolds infuses a myriad of new challenges for our beloved Darcy and Elizabeth to face – snowstorms, tarnished reputations, evil step-mothers, deceptive fathers, and a will with an unfortunate contingency. Abigail Reynolds accomplished a marvelous feat by bringing all these components together and I appreciated the uniqueness and arresting romance of her story. Don’t ever stop writing, Ms. Reynolds, your stories bring me and so many others such immense joy!jane-austen pride-and-prejudice12 s Sheila Majczan2,445 176

I loved this story. But then I expected I would. Abigail Reynolds did not disappoint me. I (and a multitude of others) have been anticipating this book's release. I had read the first chapter on her blog and other snippets of the tale so knew the premise. I began reading it soon after its release at midnight last night. And I will purchase the paperback also to join all the others of hers on my bookshelf. Adore the beautiful cover.

Yes, Elizabeth finds and helps Mr. Darcy when coming upon him in his injured state following his spill from a half-tamed horse. Why was he coming back to Meryton? That is not revealed for some time in the book. It was certainly not for the wedding of Charlotte and Mr. Collins. And as ODC is stranded in a snow storm for several days in a small laborer’s cottage, many misconceptions in place about Mr. Darcy come to light. Our dear Fitzwilliam is such a romantic here, even with his injuries; he is a gentleman despite the sexual attraction he admits in his mind (the attraction he thought he was over). And Elizabeth, upon learning of the slandering of Darcy's character by our resident rogue - does she admits to changes or refuse to believe him over that other person-who-will-not-be-mentioned? And then we meet our first new character...a ball of white fur with sharp claws. How adorable!

The snow storm ceases and ODC have discussed how to handle keeping things quiet or what to do if that proves to be impossible…Or so they think. But gossips are busy with another scandal and it is not the young lady you may think of as in canon. So many misconceptions and misleading evidence: letters spoken of, a visit from or to an irate father, young ladies in disgrace or taking steps against their family wishes, another valet overstepping his role, "evil" stepmothers, half-siblings, (Has anyone met Mrs. Dawley?), a shell-shocked soldier, scheming friends and cousins. There are a lot of people here who think they know best for others. Additionally, there is a lot of suspense here. Misunderstanding not of our couple’s making give us angst enough. And we have a death with a Will blackmailing two persons of our acquaintance. A certain lady reaches out from the grave.

In this book, as in other variations, we have two fathers who are not the best of parents. I won’t reveal details (can’t spoil your reading pleasure) but Ms. Reynolds gives us some twists in more than one part of this story and they seem to intertwine…to tangle as do the ribbons in Elizabeth’s hair.

OH, do read this story. I can only say I enjoyed it and do believe you will also.11 s Kasia Burlakoff166 12

A great variation with a lot of twists and turns. I loved Elizabeth and Darcy's banter, and honest conversation while stranded in a cottage. I could do without the physical aspects, but it's Abigail Reynold's book, so a mention of their physical attraction was expected, and not overdone. And an adorable kitten was much fun.

The background story to Mr. Bennet's marriage was very interesting, though his sureness about Darcy's intentions was infuriating. It was very sad to read about a high price young women paid for their mistakes with dealing with men. There is a sexual assault mentioned, but it's not graphic.

I loved Charlotte, colonel Fitzwilliam, Anne's doctor and a female friend. Lady Catherine was an ultimate manipulator, but I enjoyed Anne outsmarting her.

Darcy was honorable and loyal, as usual. The misunderstandings between ODC were due to deceit and betrayal from a person dear to Elizabeth, but there is a HEA. july-20179 s Marie1,143 67

Excellent Dialogue
I love a book with lots of dialogue, and this book generously flows with it. Great storyline. I love when ODC are stranded alone together. One reviewer said too much angst, another said low angst, and I would say medium angst, which goes to show you the definition of angst is quite varied! I always enjoy this author’s books. Highly recommend.

June 8, 2021 - Audiobook
Very good narration. Elizabeth Klett is excellent.

I know I've listened to this audiobook more than once, but neglected to add the dates.2020 2021 2022 ...more9 s Nasim4 32

This book (and the author in general) has really annoyed me to such an extent that I had to resort to coming here to vent my feelings. I'm an avid JAFF reader. I've read stories I have adored. I have read some pretty meh stuff. Usually when I something, I leave admiring comments on the JAFF sites for the authors themselves, if I don't something, I move on. But can't do that in this case, so here I am.
The thing with Abigail Reynolds that has really raised my shackles is that she is such a staple name in P&P variations and yet most of her stuff is so...contrived. Her characters do things that don't make any sense. She sacrifices them all the time to forward a plot or a raunchy sex scene and then the poor characters spend so much time trying to rationalize for the reader why the hell they did what they did.
She always portrays Mr. Darcy as this sex demon that has no control over his desires. I don't think anyone is that out of control least of all him. And ditto with Elizabeth. And D's disregard for her lack of comfort is so rapey. We are supposed to overlook it because we can see E's desires. But that's not the point of consent! Since when is forging ahead without clear vocalized consent sexy?
And Mr. Bennet's lies in this one...so unnecessary. So out of keeping with rationality. The assumptions people make about footprints in the snow (just because there are two sets doesn't mean they were concurrent! same with the handkerchief) everyone always sniffing for scandals, so unrealistically suspicious, and so inhumanly without pity. the way the rape of ML was portrayed. First of all E & D just LEFT her there in the tavern to get raped. Fine. Then instead of hurrying to get her help, they were being playful in the snow. Then when they got home/to the stables, they just forgot about her and resolved to help with her reputation later instead of worrying about the trauma she had undergone and sending her help right then. And then the comments the Bennet women made about her! Sure, Mrs. Bennet and her younger girls are of mean understanding but hey are not psychopaths except if AR is the author. She has no notion of nuance for her characters' personalities. It's such a shame. 8 s Barb503 43

A very lovely variation from the queen of variations, Abigail Reynolds. After leaving Netherfield, never to return, Mr. Darcy thinks better of leaving the people of Meryton without warning about George Wickham. He returns, alone, to discuss Wickham with Mr. Bennet, but during a snowstorm he is thrown by his horse and knocked out. Luckily, he is spotted by Elizabeth Bennet who realizes they are too far from help and Mr. Darcy is not able to walk to medical help. The two take shelter in a small tenant's cottage, which is pretty bare bones. The storm picks up and the two find themselves trapped in the cottage together for several days.

I have read similar types of variations from other authors, whether rain or snow and find this particular type of variation very charming. Since Darcy and Elizabeth are trapped together, they have not much better to do than hash out all of their misunderstandings and learn to love each other. However, Reynolds variation is full of fun characters, many from P&P and some new. In addition, there are many other things happening besides ODCs experiences. As usual, but after several stops and starts, D&E end up with their HEA. But, you will find some interesting things happening to Anne and Lady Catherine, Georgiana, and several other characters.

A quick and fun read. I read it in one day.austenesque-lovers-tbr-pile-2015 books-i-own-e-book9 s Claudine DiMuzio / Just Jane 1813182 9

This was a great variation with lots of twists and turns!!

This is probably my favorite Abigail Reynolds variation ever... It was sweet, suspenseful and intimate... Read it in one day and I had a huge smile on my face when I was finished!!! austenesque-lovers-tbr-pile-reading just-jane-1813-pride-prejudice-va7 s Eliza Baum461 32

I loved this book! I've read a couple of books that used the device of one of them being injured or the weather causing them to be stuck together and thus Elizabeth being compromised, but this is probably my favorite. I adored Darcy throughout this whole book, and Elizabeth was pretty well done, too. I appreciated that the things that kept them apart were something other than one or the other of them being completely unreasonable. Certainly, their decisions affected the situations, but a lot of it came from external sources, and it was entertaining (and often agonizing) to see how they dealt with it all.

I think one of my favorites elements, outside of Elizabeth and Darcy themselves, was Colonel Fitzwilliam's PTSD. It wasn't a huge part of the story and didn't in any way detract from the main plot, but it also wasn't just tacked on. It felt an important part of his character and also influenced Darcy to a certain extent. I absolutely loved it during the wedding breakfast when Darcy insisted that Richard sell his commission and come live at Pemberley, without even a second of hesitation. And while I'm on the subject of Richard...him plotting with Charlotte was adorable, and I was totally wishing that they could get married. Abigail Reynolds is totally missing some sequel bait here.

There were some other things that I found interesting and/or refreshing, even if they didn't qualify as favorite things, per se. For one, Anne had a strong personality, and I was shocked to find out that she was married--I had been expecting that she wanted to marry the doctor, but not that she already had. For another, making Georgiana a half sister and adding the subplot with her mother was an interesting choice. Lastly, I was surprised that the Jane/Bingley storyline didn't come into play. I kept expecting that to be the thing to once again separate Elizabeth and Darcy, and I was pleasantly surprised when it didn't. Even if it was a logical place to go, it was kind of nice for a story to not for once.austen-and-austenesque austenesque-challenge-2016 austenesque-challenge-2017 ...more6 s Sara136 14

First off, I couldn't finish this book. Although I d the opening when Elizabeth and Darcy are trapped in a cottage together during a snow storm, the story rapidly shifted and began to stretch my incredulity.
First, Wickham and several fellow officers assault Mariah Lucas in public, in a tavern. Elizabeth sees it on her way back home and rushes to Mr. Darcy who wants to stop them, but feels that Wichkham will somehow make the situation too dangerous? I'm not even sure.
Next, once it becomes known that Elizabeth spent three days alone with a man, she is sent off to London to her aunt and uncle's. Ok, fine. But when she tells Mr. Bennett that Darcy proposed marriage, he laughs in her face and tells her that ALL men try that sort of thing to take advantage of women. He makes it clear that he has done that ore than once.
Later, in London, he tells Elizabeth that he will carry her letter to Darcy himself. He comes home later and tells her that Darcy offered money or to arrange a marriage to someone else, as he had done for Mariah, but that he obviously cannot marry her.
Once Darcy finds out that Elizabeth is in disgrace, he rides to Longbourne to find her where Mr. Bennett again lies. He tells Darcy that Elizabeth never wanted to contact him, and so he, Mr. Bennett, will honor her wishes and not reveal her location to Mr. Darcy.
Now, maybe he thinks he's protecting her from an unhappy marriage and that she'll be much happier married to a clerk in her uncle's company. But I don't see the logic there. Or, maybe he's just a terrible person. I didn't stick around to find out. That's the point I turned the audiobook off and called it a day.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewaudio vaginal-fantasy6 s Misty796 1,240 Read

WOO, this took some turns for the... god, I don't even know. There is some problematic shit in this one. , bad things happen, sure, but the handling of it, though. Jesus.
I'll be reviewing this one next year for Austen in August, but man. I have some things to say.6 s Kimberly696

I know that this will sound harsh, but it must be said, this is a woefully poor example of a P&P variation! I have read several various authors' attempts at P&P variations/adaptations and continue to be disappointed with many authors, including, now, Ms Reynolds. There are a few exceptional standouts, but generally, those who attempt a variation or adaptation or continuations fail when they cannot keep the characters as Ms. Austen created them.

I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning third of the book during which Elizabeth aids Darcy who has fallen from his spooked horse and is found bleeding from the head in the snow. The two are able to find shelter in a meager house and manage to wait out a blizzard for two nights. From here, the two must manage the compromised situation that cannot be kept secret.

My issue with this story is that Ms Reynolds took vast liberties to alter Darcy's, Georgiana's and Colonel's Fitzwilliam's histories and to alter the character of Mr Bennett.

Ms Reynolds felt it appropriate to restate Darcy's and Georgiana's relationship as half siblings due to Darcy's mother's death, Darcy's father's subsequent second marriage to a child bride who gave him Georgiana and was then sequestered to Pemberley while the father Darcy remained in town at Darcy House with his mistress(es) until his death. Ms. Reynold's Colonel Fitzwilliam is not the gallant, gentleman military man Ms Austen designed, but a military man plagued by violent seasickness and who abhors traveling. To add insult to injury, Ms. Reynold's has also painted Mr. Bennett as a proficient liar. While she may or may not give him good reason, this is horribly inconsistent with the man Ms Austen created and is highly offensive to this particular fan of Pride and Prejudice.

I am fully aware that this is fan fiction and I presume that there are many P&P fans that are completely comfortable with contemporary authors recreating Miss Austen's characters in their "what if" scenarios. For me, successful P&P what if's do not alter the characters as they were created. This would be a better story if Ms Reynolds would give them their own names rather than exploit Ms Austen's creation.audiobooks austen-inspired read-in-20155 s Jenny650 13

I just love books by Abigail Reynolds! This is another lovely story, relatively low angst, really able characters (for the most part!) and written beautifully!

The premise of the story is similar to a few others I've read... Darcy and Elizabeth end up alone in a cabin after being trapped in a snow storm. He wants to marry her, she doesn't want an unequal marriage. They separate but soon after scandal starts and what follows is a lovely tale as Darcy tries to find Elizabeth... although there are misunderstandings on both sides and some very unkind meddling by Mr Bennet!!!

In this story we see a different personality to Colonel Fitzwilliam which I actually really d, despite initially being taken aback. Also the part of the story relating to Lady Catherine and Anne were brilliant! It offered the opportunity to see a different side to them, and to Darcy in how he responds!

The Darcy in this book is brilliant... he is more self assured but retains many of the characteristics that make him emotionally vulnerable. Elizabeth starts of quite sure of herself but when the misunderstanding happens she becomes less self assured and it's quite nice to see a vulnerable Lizzy!

I would have d to see how Colonel Fitzwilliam story concluded... but that is the only point for improvement for me. I really loved this book and would highly recommend it!! 2018-read jaff jaff-20186 s Mary556 11

What can I say about this wonderful book other than to urge all Pride and Prejudice fans to read it?!
I loved this story -from the scenes where ODC are trapped in a snowstorm to the inevitable happy ever after. Darcy was a true gentleman,wanting nothing more than to marry Lizzy as he loved her, not just because she was compromised when she saved his life. The scenes in the cottage are really heartwarming to read and those with the little kitten would warm the cockles of your heart. There is lots of angst in this story-at one stage I wondered how they would ever meet to get a chance to resolve the mixed messages, crossed wires and sheer frustration that they experienced.Thankfully with the help of Charlotte and Colonel Fitzwilliam, Darcy and Elizabeth got the happy ending that they and the reader longed for and so richly deserved. Read this book - you will not be disappointed.5 s Jennifer1,257 85

This was wonderful! This story had me emotionally all over the place. It is a clean romance and I loved the ending. I thought it was interesting how the author took liberties with changing some things with the side characters. Examples: Mr Bennet, Georgiana mother and Anne. Really good story. favorites5 s BethAuthor 11 books22

Update: August 10, 2021

I just gave this a re-read, fearing my initial review was too harsh. The first half still had me wavering, somewhere between a 2.5-3 star rating. It is amusing and has its enjoyable moments, but loses my respect with the uncharacteristic dialogue.

The second half was a train wreck of aggravating nonsense. Mr Bennet is a manipulative idiot. Charlotte (Mrs Collins) makes me want to smack her. The misunderstandings are prolonged in the most ridiculous ways, and I hated every bit of it and had to skim to preserve my sanity. I’m still sick and tired of random family members getting thrown in. 1.5 stars. The writing at least respects the English language, if not the characters.


Original Review: Dec 23, 2018

Oh, where to begin?

From the very beginning, I was unimpressed. I love the idea of hastening the courtship between our favourite Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, but this was poorly executed. The dialogue is uninspired. The characters don’t sound particularly themselves, except when lines were taken straight from the book and adapted to suit the situation. Even then I struggled to imagine any of the characters speaking and behaving in the way Ms Reynolds would have us believe they would.

Despite the unbelievable dialogues, I did enjoy the portion of the book in which they were trapped by the snowstorm and forced to overcome their misunderstandings all the sooner. Once they resumed their lives outside the cottage, everything fell apart.

Every fanfiction trope in the Pride and Prejudice genre that is anathema to me seems to have been incorporated into the second half of this novel. Mr Bennet acting wildly out of character to be a stumbling block to his daughter’s union. Childhood secrets that result in surprise relatives popping out of the woodwork to demand familial relationships. Unnecessary drama with the de Bourgh family. It grew tiresome trying to keep up with all the scandals and sudden marriages. It turned into a regular soap opera with less murder. All the women giggled. Constantly. It seemed the female sex in the Regency Era had little else to respond with. Never mind that Elizabeth is supposed to be a great wit. She was just as prone to giggling as Kitty and Lydia from the original.

I’m rather surprised this has such high ratings! Perhaps readers are so starved for more Lizzy and Darcy that they’re fond enough of any tale that borrows their names and makes even the poorest attempt at telling their story anew.

For me, it only disappointed.4 s Chloe Friend262 39

I stayed up till 6 in the morning reading this! I did not sleep a wink! I think that says it all... Best P&P fan fiction I've ever read!

Honestly did I expect anything else when Mr. Darcy was involved?

This book was honestly too cute! I've love Pride and Prejudice since I was 12 and have never read any Pride and Prejudice that wasn't set in the our time. I loved this more than any other fan fiction before!!! I mean honestly I loved it!!! I still love the original Pride and Prejudice more but this was a really lovely story!!

Mr. Darcy as always, of course...

historic pride-and-prejudice-fan-fiction romance4 s ?????? ?238 49

actively-awful4 s Elizabeth Bennet742 8

I have enjoyed AR reads in the past so when I read some of the I decided I may enjoy this one. I loved this D&E. They weren't as intense but there were moments that brought you to the original characters. The story begins with the two thrown into a predicament leaving Lizzys reputation in question. Darcy tries to fix the problem but then Lizzy wants her marriage to be based on love not regrets. She doubts her desireabilty to Darcy and even though he clears that little detail up she still worries it will fade. Time with her inferior relatives that push the lines of propriety will make him resent her later in years. Then there is her father and aunt Catherine that cause more time spent apart all coming to that inevitable moment when the two come together against the wishes of those who think they know best. Although this is a clean read there are moments of passion and stolen kisses. I would have d a longer epilogue to get a bigger picture of how things had changed but did what was told. Even with the separation and pain suffered by cruel words and possibility of our couple being married to others I d this variation.3 s Brenda137 4 Shelved as 'dnf'

dnf @ 41%

Elizabeth is distressed by something she saw happening to Maria Lucas in the tavern but she persuades Darcy not to intervene because Wickham is in the tavern. Elizabeth and Darcy then proceed to focus on entirely trivial things (they send a boy into the tavern to get them bread because they are hungry, they express relief when the cat they were worried about catches up to them and then joke about throwing snowballs at each other) while leaving Maria at the mercy of the men in the tavern! I felt screaming GO HELP MARIA LUCAS!!!! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2015 austen austen-pride-and-prejudice ...more3 s Carmen840 21

Abigail Reynolds is one of the best authors writing Pride and Prejudice fanfiction today. I enjoyed the departure, this story took from the Austen masterpiece. . in deep winter after the Netherfield Ball and ending, with some major plot deviations, in Kent. This offering is a clean story and I mention this, since A.R. has penned a few erotic Darcy stories worth reading as well. A highly entertaining P&P variation with a Reynolds' Darcy who never disappoints . . Enjoy!p-p-variation3 s Talia924 4


Reread: I love this book. My only complaint is that Col F is still at Rosings with my imagination somehow having him and Mrs C together!

Reread: Maria deserved better.3 s Toni NB233 3

4 solid stars.

Angst & misunderstanding abound in the first 65-75% of the story, it was frustrating at times but in all comes out well in the end with thanks to Charlotte, Colonel Fitzwilliam and Darcy’s valet, Crewes.

Thoughts & remembrances : very much out of canon, which is just fine with me

Lady Catherine dies!
Anne has been secretly married to her physician for 2 years!
Georgiana has a mom! And two stepbrothers!

Bingley et al are no where in the story
Barely see Jane and the gardiners
Mrs Bennett and the younger sisters are hardly even mentioned
No Wickham in the plot
ebook fiction historical-romance ...more2 s Ekaterin187 8

Je mets deux étoiles parce que je l'ai fini et qu'il m'a fait rire tellement il est bourré de clichés et de situations abracadabrantes.
Entre la telenovela et Barbara Cartland
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