
Ashes de Abbi Glines

de Abbi Glines - Género: English
libro gratis Ashes


Abbi Glines Year: 2023

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This man cheats on her, gets another woman pregnant, marrys that other woman, treats her garbage for 9 years, then once he finds out the truth he has sex with her and tells her they canÂ’t be more, she takes all of this a beaten dog and NOT once does this man apologize to her. Forget hoping for a grovel. This book was straight trash.40 s8 comments Vintage2,547 552

Hero is a stupid loser. He hates the heroine for ages because he's the big fat idiot that believes the conniving step-sister's lies. But the h is the soul mate he never got over. Don't bother talking to her, but get the step-sis pregnant because of a Facebook pic where the h is getting hugged by another guy. Hugged. I'm shocked he didn't blame Zuckerberg too as this guy will never take responsibility.

On the other hand, the h has Welcome tattooed on her backside, grateful for any crumb the hero throws her way.

I'm so depressed.

And the cherry on top, he's in the mafia. Yeah, a killer, but he walks the moral high ground.2024 abuse against-my-better-judgement ...more29 s4 comments nesa*??10 3

One of the worst second chance romance I've read.

Oakley (h) went to college so they were in long distance relationship. Her stepsister showed Wilder (H) a photo of h dancing with other man at a party (mind you, he was her friend and also gay), telling him that she was cheating on him. So instead of calling her and letting her explain herself, he got drunk and slept with ow. Then he married ow and on their wedding day he told h that ow was pregnant with his child.
Nine years later ow dies (they divorced after few years, they had shared custody) and h stays taking care of her niece (she loves her very much) after H has to leave for about a week (he's in mafia btw) He hates her and only tolerates her because his daughter loves her. Then her life is threatened (another mafia stuff), he saves her and they sleep together for the first time ever. Then we get to read his inner monologue in which he regrets only one thing - that he wasn't the one to take her virginity (she promised to save it for him):

“Treasure her the way he had wanted to. But she wasn’t a virgin anymore. She wasn’t that girl I had loved.”
“I did. I regretted it—the fact that I had waited nine years to have her, that I hadn’t been the one to take her virginity, that she had been with other men. I had a world of regrets.”
“Should have been mine to take. You should have kept it for me. Not been so impatient. I would have given you all you needed. Taken care of this hot little cunt.” - says someone who literally cheated on her
“Sebastian was the one to take your virginity—something you’d held on to for so long. And you gave it to him. A man I have to see, work with, and know he loved you and had you in a way I never will.” - poor him. Never mind that h had to watch him get married to her own stepsister who was also pregnant with his child.

Then after they sleep together he's :
“This didn’t have to be more than physical. If I could just touch her, taste her, sink inside of her, then it would be enough. The rest I could shut off. My emotions didn’t have to be connected to my pleasure.”
“Did you want me to say I’d you to stay because I want to keep fucking you for hours every night or that I’m not ready to stop waking up with you, sweet and willing, in my arms? Because I can promise you, both of those are reasons.” - this is what he tells her when she thinks they are done

Then they have another sex, talk about why he cheated etc., declare their love for each other after he realizes he wants her and the end.21 s Melluvsbooks1,345

2.5 - This one had a lot of potential but I feel Abbi phoned this one in. She didnÂ’t set the stage properly for any of this to make sense.

The h was a selfless angel who everyone loved. Pure in heart and deed. She sh*t sunshine and rainbowsÂ…. And yet she was so petty and vindictive that she lied to a judge about the fitness of the hero to father his daughter (the hÂ’s step-niece) - thus keeping him from getting a reasonable 50/50 custody agreement. Say what?? How does that even make sense? I was hoping her family had pressured or coerced her, but no she really is a petty bitch who kept a man from his child because he cheated on her.
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