
We Hunt Monsters 9 de Aaron Oster

de Aaron Oster - Género: English
libro gratis We Hunt Monsters 9


Aaron Oster Publisher: GFS Publishing Inc, Year: 2024

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Another World Monster down!

Well this was nice! We finally get some cleaning several dangling threads by the end of this one, and we get the next World Monster killed! So that means it’s off to the Frigid seas! I’d guess we have 4, maybe 5 books left to finish this thing off! And while I’ll be. Little sad to see it go, it’s been moving along nicely!

Notes from this one: Keith gets some serious skill upgrades and an insane new item so his damage is through the roof now! Also can’t wait to see what his new elixirs and items end up being in the next book since he got a lot in this one at the end!

I’m not super fond of Selena the automaton or her attitude as well as Jade’s. But there’s probably stuff going on there later.

But overall I enjoyed this one, and now the long wait for book 10. Barrett Brady15

amazing series

This series has so much going on and it never stops. But some how Oster makes it work. It never gets boring and he ties everything in without cutting things short or adding mundane pieces. Also I’ve never read an author that implements stats skills gear etc so well to where it’s not overwhelming. Probably my favorite series Kalpak Gupta16

The story keeps on building on its strength, with its entertaining writing, satisfying action, and lots and lots of OP skills while still challenging our MC at every turn. I think this book was better than the previous couple of books, coz there were a lot of things going on, and plot points were resolved. Exciting times for the next arc already teased, so the next book is eagerly awaited.last-read-in-series Theresa Sisco2

This book has me pumped for the rest of the series!

I’m not great at writing down my thoughts, so I’ll just recommend that you absolutely read this book if you enjoyed the book before even a little bit, as this book seems a step up from the past books. Absolutely wanting to read the next one once it comes out! Daniel S37

Enjoyed it

Athother excellent installment in the series. Pacing is good, I the MC, and killing undead is always a good thing. Quite a few quest lines still open, but a couple were completed also. Keep up the amazing story telling.
Johnie C1,708 6

Very good read

I enjoyed reading this book very much and I recommend this book to anyone who s LitRPG and progression type of books with lots of action. More stats than I would . Dameon Garza10

Love the series

I'm hooked on this series, and I love how it's hard to predict. Only complaints (and minor) are the errors that were noticeable in this one. (Misused/repeated words)

The story is excellent, and the world building is top-notch. Jennifer Bunch1 review


I loved this book I was a great book I read it in around 1 and a half hour because how good it was I hope he keeps making these awesome bangers. Josiah Ploeger91 5

Another Great Entry

Keith continues being his mostly able and somewhat kill happy self. Action doesn’t stop and keeps you captivated. Looking forward to the next one! Ray Ritchey891 6


Keith is Over Powered, but he keeps on fighting enemies that are even more over powered than he is. Great read. Mike Purdin78 2


Good series, worth reading , and not real windy writing the story. I really enjoy this series. A relax and just read. Irina Yoder4 1 follower

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