
Justus Roux de A Song for My Warrior

de A Song for My Warrior - Género: English
libro gratis Justus Roux


Alistair's parents were from two different clans, he was use to being called a half-breed. In fact he was a rarity on his planet most of these half-breed children never made it pass childhood. It was only because Hakan the former ruler of the Dascon clan protected Alistair and his mother that Alistair survived and grew up to be a grand warrior. Now Hakan's son Niro has appointed Alistair to lead the Larmat clan. Niro's hope is to finally bring peace to the people of Malka by joining the two clans. Anne Jacobs has spent the last year trying to find the people responsible for her parents' murder. It is clear the motivation behind this heinous crime is hate. Anne who was training to become a vet, drops out of school and devotes all her time to helping the police. On the anniversary of her parents' murder she finds herself being kidnapped by a large barbarian warrior named Demos and his mate Nina. She is taken to the planet Malka where a warrior named Alistair is to be her protector. After she is told that she would be able to go back to Earth in six months she agrees to meet this Alistair. Her resolve to ignore Alistair quickly dissolves when she lays eyes on him. Their instant attraction to each other paves the way to acceptance and healing. This is book three in Justus Roux's Barbarians of Malka series.

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