
Desi Girl Speaking de A. S. Hussain

de A. S. Hussain - Género: English
libro gratis Desi Girl Speaking


A. S. Hussain Publisher: Hot Key Books ISBN: 9781471413506

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I received an AD/PR copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review as part of the book tour hosted by Insta Book Tours.

Desi Girl Speaking is a YA story about a young Bangladeshi ( Desi ) teenager as she navigates mental health and depression.
Tweety hasn't been feeling herself and is confused with how she's feeling. After being given the lead in her dance schools and dance production, she should be feeling ecstatic if not nervous, too, but Tweety doesn't feel anything at all. She recognises that this is not normal for her as it's something she's wanted since first learning to dance. Tweety tries her best to hide her feelings and act normal, which in turn makes her feel even more exhausted, frustrated, and alone. When Tweety comes across a podcast called 'Desi Girl Speaking', she reaches out to the podcast host and strikes up a friendship via email. But as things spiral in her life and things begin to escalate, Tweety must face the truth and finally ask those she loves for help, support and understanding; for in the Desi community depression and mental health are taboo subjects not spoken about nor admitted as existing in their culture.
This was so tenderly, and compassionately written and navigates depression, anxiety, cultural differences, and mental health very well. I could relate to Tweety so much having been a sufferer of depression from a young age myself and my heart broke for her and those within community's where mental health/depression isn't accepted, believed or understood as its hard enough to be believed, supported and to navigate help and support without this as an obstacle too. I hope this book helps many teens and pre-teens to see they're not alone, there's nothing abnormal about feeling how they do and to reach out for help.
Trigger warnings: depression, anxiety, mental health, suicide, self harm.15 s AnikaAuthor 3 books76

it's my own book so... yeah. i'm giving it five stars x10 s Piper1,591 17

Thanks to @Instabooktours for arranging the tour and @hotkeybooks for inviting me to join.

In Desi Girl Speaking, we are following Tweety as she finds herself dealing with mental health, anxiety and depression. Throughout this book, there is some exact representation of both of these mental health disorders, and I really felt for Tweety and how others in her community, especially her dance troupe and her best friend, did not see how Tweety was feeling.

'More I couldn't find the strength this morning, and by the time I found it, I was already late '
I really how we see the differences in Tweety's friends. All their lives are separate, and their troubles are, but they don't seem to notice Tweety is depressed. It was interesting also to learn that Desi doesn't have a word for depression. I loved how Pyria and Tweety's relationship is, but you can also see the teenager restrain them. I how we see that throughout the dance troupe; they are part of that. There are some ups and downs.

The Desi Girl Speaking Podcast is a fantastic representation of this book. I love how Tweety makes a new friend and also realizes she is suffering from depression. I how well the emails went with both of these girls and how the response did elect how those with depression and anxiety feel socially. I highly recommend this book and will be rereading it in the near future.

I finished this book in one sitting as I could not put it down.

book-tours1 Samantha Cloves4

I had always been under the impression that book could never make me cry…boy was I wrong! “Desi Girl Speaking” is a thought provoking and emotional story which follows Tweety as she battles her mental health. Although not from the desi community, I could completely relate to Tweety and how many people often shy away about the realities and struggles of having depression.

A really fantastic read and so wonderfully written by A.Hussain! (Just don’t forget your tissues!)1 Lauren Griffiths152 8

This book… I absolutely loved it! I read it all in a day! It was such an interesting, eye opening and heart warming read. Having lived with a parent who has suffered with depression since I was little, this book really hit home for me and it really opens your eyes to the feelings, experiences and thought processes that people who suffer depression may have. I love how much awareness this book raises of different sensitive subjects and I think that every teenager who is struggling with life should read this book… in fact, just everybody should read it! I honestly think there is something that would be relatable to everyone in this story.

It really is ok not to be ok and it really is very important that we let people know that they have a voice and they deserve to be heard, no matter what age, gender, race or sexuality! There is support out there for everyone, even the ones living with the people who are suffering.

I really enjoyed the different texts as we read through different chapters which explored Tweety’s thoughts, text messages, emails and podcast episodes. Tweety was such an interesting and able character and I felt myself really empathising with her at times. I really enjoyed learning about the Bangladesh/Desi culture, community, some of their language and their belief’s.

Overall, a very well written YA book which highlights mental health and the impacts it can have on people, their families and their overall community. Charlie Medcalf114 1 follower

The best book I have read so far in 2024!

Desi Girl Speaking by A. S. Hussain follows Tweety, an experienced teenage dancer from the Desi community, who is on a mental health rollercoaster since being made the principal dancer of her dancing troupe. Tweety feels truly alone due to the common misconception that Desis cannot get depressed, that is, until she comes across the Desi Girl Speaking podcast, which helps her to understand her symptoms and realise that she is suffering from depression; from speaking to Desi girl, Maya, and supporting each other via email. However, things get much worse before they get better, as the depression takes over Tweety's life and drags her down to an extremely low point. Tweety eventually acknowledges that she is not alone and is supported by those around her.

For my full book review please visit: https://cembookportal.blogspot.com/20... Tyler Marshall677 39

A book I didn't know I needed!

First the thing that stood out to me most while devouring this novel is Hussain's amazing mental health rep, you can tell this author took her time writing this because I felt so seen. Second I adored Tweety, when I finished this book I was actually so sad that I wasn't going to see Twety again because this mc grew on me so quickly, she felt real and relatable and I was rooting for her from the very beginning.

This is a book that inspires hope and positivity, at the end of every tunnel is a light. You get to see some amazing character development as well as learn some interesting facts about Desi culture which I had never known. This was such a good book for me that I read it in under ten hours and have not stoped thinking about it. auteaandtales583 1 follower

What a fantastic book! This is such a great resource for teenagers, especially Desi teenagers, whether they are or aren’t currently dealing with mental health problems or a developing/existing mental illness. It contains plenty of resources not just to help the person struggling but also ways to help your struggling friends, too.

We follow Tweety, who lives a good life - she has kind parents, plenty of friends, and is getting good opportunities in her dance group. One day, she wakes up, and she doesn’t feel excited or happy. As it goes untreated, it begins to get worse and worse, until she makes a connection with another Desi girl struggling with depression and Tweety learns she isn’t alone, and she might have a friend to help her cope through this.

It got very dark in some places, but was very raw and honest in its descriptions of what depression can be and how it can affect anyone, but also about navigating that within the Desi community. 2024 netgalley Lauren Couchman285 10

Wow, this book really delves deep into teenage mental health and is just what society needs, I wish it had been around when I was younger as it really spoke to me as an adult and would have helped me through my own mental health issues as a teenager. The author doesn’t shy away from laying it all out and doesn’t hold back.

I loved Tweety as a character and really felt for her. It was great to learn more about the Desi culture, a culture quite different to my own.

A must read for everyone adults and young adults a. Always check the trigger warnings first though! Claire Cobb500

This book.. Wow. It speaks so much truth. If you've ever gone through depression then this book will resonate with you in so many ways. It truly has a special place in my heart. Following Tweety on her journey through the sadness and not understanding why she felt the way she did, was a heartbreaking story but the overall message I took from this book is that we are never alone when facing depression, there is always help available no matter what stage your at. I found this book so wholesome.. Jade Evans365 27

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